Shape Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome! Today, we’re exploring fun phrases called idioms that use different shapes. Idioms add color to our language, making it interesting and lively. You’ll learn what they mean and see them used in sentences!

Shape Idioms

Here are 20 shape idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

Square away

Meaning: Complete or organize fully.
Example: Let’s square away the plans by tonight.

Circle back

Meaning: Return to discuss later.
Example: We’ll circle back to that topic soon.

Triangle of trust

Meaning: A group of three trusted entities.
Example: Our team is a triangle of trust.

Back to square one

Meaning: Start over again.
Example: Oops, it’s back to square one for us.

Circle the wagons

Meaning: Prepare to defend from attack.
Example: The team circled the wagons after criticism.

Square the circle

Meaning: Do something impossible.
Example: Trying to please everyone is squaring the circle.

Round off

Meaning: Make complete or whole.
Example: She rounded off her argument skillfully.

Think outside the box

Meaning: Think creatively.
Example: We need to think outside the box here.

Four corners of the earth

Meaning: All parts of the world.
Example: I’ve traveled the four corners of the earth.

Round up

Meaning: Increase to the nearest whole number.
Example: Round up the troops for inspection.

In the loop

Meaning: Informed about events.
Example: Keep me in the loop on this.

Out of the loop

Meaning: Not informed about events.
Example: I was out of the loop on those plans.

Circle of influence

Meaning: Area one can affect or change.
Example: Expand your circle of influence at work.

Square peg in a round hole

Meaning: Inappropriate fit.
Example: He’s a square peg in a round hole here.

Full circle

Meaning: Return to original position.
Example: Her career has come full circle.

Smooth out the edges

Meaning: Resolve minor difficulties.
Example: Let’s smooth out the edges of our plan.

Squaring up

Meaning: Preparing to confront.
Example: He is squaring up to the challenge.

Round the corner

Meaning: Very near, imminent.
Example: Spring is just round the corner.

Cut corners

Meaning: Reduce effort to save money.
Example: Don’t cut corners on safety.

Comes full circle

Meaning: Returns to original status.
Example: This project finally comes full circle.

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