Sailing Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Have you ever heard someone say, “Learning to sail is plain sailing”? That’s an idiom! Idioms are fun phrases that don’t mean what the words actually say. In this post, we’ll explore some common sailing-related idioms, explain what they really mean, and show you how they’re used in sentences.

Sailing Idioms

Here are 20 sailing idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

All hands on deck

Meaning: Everyone must help
Example: We need all hands on deck to finish on time.

Batten down the hatches

Meaning: Prepare for trouble
Example: They batten down the hatches as the storm approached.

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Meaning: Stuck between two dangers
Example: I was between the devil and the deep blue sea with my choices.

Clear the decks

Meaning: Prepare for action
Example: Let’s clear the decks for the big project.

Full steam ahead

Meaning: Proceed with maximum speed
Example: It was full steam ahead with the new strategy.

Learn the ropes

Meaning: Understand new things
Example: He quickly learned the ropes in his new job.

On board

Meaning: In agreement
Example: Everyone is on board with the plan.

Plain sailing

Meaning: Easy and straightforward
Example: After the fix, it was plain sailing.

Rock the boat

Meaning: Cause trouble
Example: Don’t rock the boat before the meeting.

Sail close to the wind

Meaning: Behave riskily
Example: He often sails close to the wind with his jokes.

Sail through

Meaning: Pass easily
Example: She sailed through the exam.

Show the flag

Meaning: Display presence or support
Example: We must show the flag at the parade.

Steer clear of

Meaning: Avoid
Example: He steered clear of controversy.

Take the helm

Meaning: Assume leadership
Example: She took the helm during the crisis.

Tight ship

Meaning: Well-managed situation
Example: He runs a very tight ship in his department.

Trim the sails

Meaning: Adjust plans
Example: We need to trim the sails on our budget.

Under full sail

Meaning: At maximum capacity
Example: Our team is working under full sail to meet deadlines.

Weather a storm

Meaning: Survive a crisis
Example: We weathered the storm of inquiries.

With flying colors

Meaning: With great success
Example: He passed with flying colors.

Without a rudder

Meaning: Lost, without direction
Example: He felt without a rudder after losing his job.

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Sailing Idioms