Rules Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this post, we explore idioms about rules. These phrases are fun ways to learn how rules work in daily language.

Rules Idioms

Here are 20 rules idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Bend the rules

Meaning: Make exceptions to rules
Example: They often bend the rules for star players.

Rule of thumb

Meaning: General unwritten rule
Example: As a rule of thumb, I avoid eating late.

Lay down the rules

Meaning: Establish rules
Example: The teacher lays down the rules on day one.

Play by the rules

Meaning: Follow the rules strictly
Example: She always plays by the rules in competitions.

No exception to the rule

Meaning: Applies to all without exception
Example: In this case, there’s no exception to the rule.

Rule the roost

Meaning: Be in control or command
Example: He clearly rules the roost at home.

Against the rules

Meaning: Not allowed by the rules
Example: Eating in class is against the rules.

Rule out

Meaning: Exclude by establishing rules
Example: This clause rules out any misunderstandings.

Fast rule

Meaning: Strictly enforced rule
Example: This is a fast rule in our lab.

Golden rule

Meaning: A principle of treating others well
Example: The golden rule is to be kind to others.

Set the rules

Meaning: To establish guidelines
Example: The committee will set the rules for the election.

Under the rule of

Meaning: Governed or controlled by
Example: The region was long under the rule of the dynasty.

Rule with an iron fist

Meaning: To govern very strictly
Example: He rules with an iron fist, allowing no dissent.

Break the rules

Meaning: To violate the guidelines
Example: Sometimes, you have to break the rules to innovate.

Make the rules

Meaning: To create regulations
Example: As the leader, she gets to make the rules.

Stretch the rules

Meaning: To interpret rules very loosely
Example: He tends to stretch the rules to his advantage.

Follow the rulebook

Meaning: Adhere to the set guidelines
Example: He always follows the rulebook, no shortcuts.

Rule by decree

Meaning: Govern by orders without consulting others
Example: The king prefers to rule by decree.

Rules of engagement

Meaning: Guidelines on how to engage in activities
Example: The rules of engagement were clear before the debate.

Home rule

Meaning: Local self-government
Example: They advocated for home rule to manage their affairs.

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