Purple Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun look at purple idioms! If you love the color purple and enjoy learning new phrases, this post is for you.

Purple Idioms

Here are 20 purple idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Born in the purple

Meaning: Born into a royal family

Example: She was born in the purple, a true princess.

Purple patch

Meaning: A period of success or good luck

Example: He hit a purple patch in his career.

Purple heart

Meaning: A military decoration for bravery

Example: He received a purple heart after the battle.

Purple prose

Meaning: Overly ornate or flowery language

Example: Her writing was criticized for its purple prose.

Purple haze

Meaning: A state of confusion or euphoria

Example: I walked out into the purple haze of the early morning.

To paint the town purple

Meaning: To celebrate wildly

Example: They went out to paint the town purple on New Year’s Eve.

Purple rain

Meaning: Symbolizes a change or renewal

Example: We listened to “Purple Rain” during the storm.

Purple speech

Meaning: Profane or vulgar talking

Example: He was known for his purple speech at parties.

Purple state

Meaning: A politically mixed region (both Democratic and Republican)

Example: Ohio is considered a purple state in elections.

Purple cow

Meaning: Something extraordinary or unusual

Example: Her invention was a true purple cow in the tech world.

Purple fever

Meaning: An intense obsession or excitement

Example: She’s got a real purple fever for fashion trends.

Under a purple sun

Meaning: In a completely different reality

Example: They were living as if under a purple sun.

Purple blood

Meaning: Nobility, royal lineage

Example: He claims to have purple blood in his veins.

In a purple light

Meaning: In a flattering or favorable manner

Example: The evening sun cast everything in a purple light.

Purple shadows

Meaning: Shadows cast at dusk or dawn

Example: The purple shadows lengthened as the sun set.

Purple envelope

Meaning: An envelope used for exclusive invitations

Example: She received a purple envelope for the gala.

With purple honor

Meaning: With great dignity and respect

Example: He retired with purple honor from the army.

Purple whisper

Meaning: A whisper about something scandalous or private

Example: There was a purple whisper about the affair.

Purple curtain

Meaning: A barrier or separation from the royal or elite

Example: They lived beyond the purple curtain of fame.

Purple tide

Meaning: A wave of change or transformation

Example: The election marked a purple tide in politics.

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