Pride Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog post! Today, we’re exploring fun phrases about pride. These are called idioms. They help make our conversations colorful and interesting. Kids, you’ll love learning these!

Pride Idioms

Here are 20 pride idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Bursting with pride

Meaning: Extremely proud
Example: She was bursting with pride at her new art piece.

Pride and joy

Meaning: Something greatly cherished
Example: His vintage car is his pride and joy.

Swallow your pride

Meaning: To set aside one’s pride
Example: He had to swallow his pride and ask for help.

Take pride in

Meaning: To be proud of something
Example: She takes pride in her volunteer work.

Wounded pride

Meaning: Hurt feelings from a blow to pride
Example: His wounded pride kept him from apologizing.

Pride goes before a fall

Meaning: Overconfidence can lead to failure
Example: Remember, pride goes before a fall.

Stand tall

Meaning: Be proud and confident
Example: Despite the setbacks, he continues to stand tall.

Pride of place

Meaning: A position of prominence or importance
Example: The trophy held pride of place in the living room.

Puff up with pride

Meaning: To become very proud
Example: She puffed up with pride during the award ceremony.

Pride oneself on

Meaning: To be especially proud of a particular quality
Example: He prides himself on his honesty.

A matter of pride

Meaning: A cause for pride
Example: Completing the project on time was a matter of pride.

Full of pride

Meaning: Having a lot of pride
Example: He was full of pride after his daughter’s graduation.

Hurt pride

Meaning: Damaged self-respect
Example: Her hurt pride made her keep distance.


Meaning: Having too much pride
Example: He can be too prideful to take advice.

Lose one’s pride

Meaning: To become less proud
Example: He lost his pride after the mistake.

Pride of the family

Meaning: The most respected family member
Example: She is the pride of the family with her achievements.

With one’s pride intact

Meaning: Keeping one’s dignity
Example: He left the meeting with his pride intact.

False pride

Meaning: Unjustified high opinion of oneself
Example: Don’t let false pride stop you from learning.

Put pride aside

Meaning: Ignore one’s pride
Example: Sometimes, you have to put pride aside and apologize.

Pride in one’s work

Meaning: Feeling proud of one’s achievements at work
Example: She has great pride in her work as a teacher.

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