Pool Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun world of expressions! Today, we’re diving into “pool” idioms that make language exciting. Even if you’re just learning, this post will help you understand how everyday phrases can have special meanings.

Pool Idioms

Here are some pool idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Pool your resources

Meaning: Combine resources or efforts.
Example: We need to pool our resources to buy the gift.

Car pool

Meaning: Share a car journey to save costs.
Example: They car pool to work to save on gas.

Pooling together

Meaning: Gathering or combining into a common fund or stock.
Example: The community is pooling together to help the family.

Pool party

Meaning: A gathering around a swimming pool.
Example: We’re throwing a big pool party next weekend.

Testing the waters

Meaning: Trying something new cautiously.
Example: She was testing the waters with her new blog.

In deep water

Meaning: In a difficult situation.
Example: He found himself in deep water after missing the deadline.

Fish out of water

Meaning: Feeling uncomfortable in a situation.
Example: I felt like a fish out of water at the new school.

Water under the bridge

Meaning: Past and forgiven issues.
Example: Our argument is just water under the bridge now.

Make waves

Meaning: Cause a disturbance.
Example: He didn’t want to make waves at the meeting.

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Pool Idioms