Duck Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ducks are not just animals that quack and waddle; they also inspire many expressions we use in English! In this blog post, we’ll explore some common idioms that feature the word “duck” or are inspired by these feathered friends. Even kids will find it easy to understand how these phrases are used in everyday language.

Duck Idioms

Here are 20 duck idioms in English.

1. Get your ducks in a row

Meaning: Organize things well.

Example: She got her ducks in a row before vacation.

2. Like water off a duck’s back

Meaning: Not letting criticism affect you.

Example: He ignored the insults, like water off a duck’s back.

3. Sitting duck

Meaning: An easy target.

Example: Left alone, he was a sitting duck for bullies.

4. Duck soup

Meaning: Something very easy to do.

Example: This puzzle is duck soup for her.

5. Dead duck

Meaning: A complete failure.

Example: His plan turned out to be a dead duck.

6. Duck and cover

Meaning: To protect oneself quickly.

Example: They had to duck and cover during the drill.

7. Lame duck

Meaning: Ineffective person or thing.

Example: The outgoing mayor was a lame duck.

8. Duck out

Meaning: Leave secretly or abruptly.

Example: He decided to duck out of the party early.

9. Duck to water

Meaning: Do naturally, without effort.

Example: She took to skiing like a duck to water.

10. Fine feathered friend

Meaning: A good and reliable friend.

Example: I’m meeting my fine feathered friend for lunch.

11. Duck’s guts

Meaning: Something excellent.

Example: This new car is the duck’s guts!

12. Take to something like a duck to water

Meaning: Quickly and naturally adapt.

Example: He took to coding like a duck to water.

13. Duck’s arse

Meaning: Very tidy or prim.

Example: He’s dressed up, neat as a duck’s arse.

14. Water off a duck’s back

Meaning: Criticism that doesn’t have an effect.

Example: Their comments were water off a duck’s back.

15. If it looks like a duck

Meaning: Things are as they seem.

Example: Well, if it looks like a duck and quacks…

16. All duck or no dinner

Meaning: All or nothing situation.

Example: It’s all duck or no dinner with him.

17. Be like a duck

Meaning: Stay calm on the surface, but work hard unseen.

Example: Just be like a duck, calm but paddling.

18. Duck for apples

Meaning: Try to catch floating apples with one’s mouth.

Example: Kids love to duck for apples at Halloween.

19. As lame as a duck

Meaning: Very ineffective or weak.

Example: His excuses were as lame as a duck.

20. Duck’s egg

Meaning: A score of zero in sports.

Example: He ended the game with a duck’s egg.


Duck Idioms