Political Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog post! Today, we’ll learn about political idioms. These are special phrases that help us talk about politics in a fun and interesting way.

Political Idioms

Here are 20 political idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

Throw one’s hat in the ring

Meaning: Decide to run for political office
Example: He threw his hat in the ring during the election.

Cross the floor

Meaning: Change political parties
Example: She decided to cross the floor after the dispute.

A political football

Meaning: An issue used for political advantage
Example: Healthcare has become a political football.

Toe the party line

Meaning: Follow the party’s policies
Example: He always toes the party line during debates.

Spin doctor

Meaning: A person who interprets events for the media
Example: The spin doctor handled the interview well.

A lame duck

Meaning: An ineffective politician
Example: After losing support, he was a lame duck.

Grassroots support

Meaning: Support from ordinary people
Example: She gained grassroots support with her honesty.


Meaning: Automatically approve decisions
Example: The committee will just rubber-stamp the proposal.

Dark horse

Meaning: A less-known competitor or candidate
Example: He was a dark horse in the race.

The power behind the throne

Meaning: A person with influence but not in office
Example: She is known as the power behind the throne.

Pork barrel

Meaning: Government spending for localized projects to win votes
Example: That bill is classic pork barrel politics.

Red tape

Meaning: Excessive bureaucracy or adherence to rules
Example: We’re stuck dealing with all this red tape.

A political hot potato

Meaning: A controversial issue
Example: Gun control is a political hot potato.

Jump on the bandwagon

Meaning: Join a growing movement
Example: Politicians quickly jumped on the bandwagon.


Meaning: Indecision or neutrality
Example: He’s been fence-sitting on the issue for months.

Swing state

Meaning: A state that could vote for either major political party
Example: Ohio is considered a swing state.


Meaning: A person who influences leadership decisions
Example: He acted as a kingmaker in the last election.

The eleventh hour

Meaning: The last moment
Example: Decisions were made at the eleventh hour.

White elephant

Meaning: A costly but useless possession
Example: The new office building is a white elephant.

Whistle-stop tour

Meaning: A political campaign tour with brief stops
Example: The candidate went on a whistle-stop tour across the state.

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Political Idioms