10 Best Short Poems About Good Luck

In our journey through life, a little good luck can be a game-changer. This collection of ten short poems celebrates the essence of good fortune in various forms. Each poem, composed of three stanzas with four lines each, captures the whimsical, profound, and often elusive nature of good luck.

They are written in simple English, making them accessible to all who seek a sprinkle of hope and a dash of serendipity in their lives.

Short Poems About Good Luck

1. Lucky Star

This poem talks about finding good luck in the night sky, likening it to a guiding star that leads us through life’s dark moments.

Under the velvet sky so vast,

A lucky star twinkles bright,

Guiding through the night’s contrast,

Turning darkness into light.


In its glow, dreams weave and cast,

Hopes set sail in moonlit flight,

In the heart, fears are outclassed,

By this star, ever so bright.


Shimmering with a promise kept,

A beacon through life’s endless test,

In its light, our worries slept,

Under the lucky star, we rest.

2. Clover’s Charm

This poem brings the imagery of a four-leaf clover as a symbol of rare and unexpected good fortune.

In fields of green, a secret charm,

A clover with leaves four,

Whispers luck, safe and warm,

Bringing hope to the fore.


Hidden in the vast green swarm,

Its rarity we adore,

In its presence, life transforms,

Good fortune starts to pour.


A symbol of luck, so small and neat,

With each leaf a story told,

In its find, our hearts beat,

A charm from the days of old.

3. Sunrise Blessing

Here, the dawn is portrayed as a symbol of new beginnings and the luck that each day brings.

As the sun kisses the dawn,

A new day begins to yawn,

With its light, darkness gone,

New luck is drawn.


In every sunrise, a promise held,

Of stories yet to be told,

In its hues, fears are quelled,

Fortunes unfold.


Golden rays, a lucky spell,

Casting dreams in a golden well,

In this light, we shall dwell,

Where good luck will swell.

4. Raindrop’s Fortune

This poem depicts raindrops as carriers of good luck, each drop a potential for new growth and prosperity.

Raindrops fall, a rhythmic dance,

On leaves, they twinkle and prance,

Each a tiny luck-laden lance,

In nature’s vast expanse.


With every drop, a chance,

To grow, change, enhance,

In their journey, a lucky trance,

Inviting us to advance.


In the rain’s soothing song,

Lies luck, strong and long,

In its rhythm, we belong,

Where good fortunes throng.

5. Whispering Wind

Luck is likened to the wind in this poem, unseen yet powerful and capable of bringing change.

The wind whispers secrets old,

Carrying luck untold,

In its breeze, bold and cold,

Stories of fortune unfold.


Unseen, yet its effect vast,

Changing futures, altering past,

In its howl, luck is cast,

A spell that forever lasts.


In every gust, a lucky break,

In every whirl, fortunes awake,

With the wind, our chances take,

Good luck in its wake.

6. Wishing Well

This poem is about the magic of wishing wells, a traditional symbol of hope and luck.

By the old wishing well,

Where dreams and hopes swell,

Coins tossed, a silent spell,

In its depths, luck dwells.


Echoes of wishes, a melodic bell,

Stories of luck, they tell,

In its magic, our fears quell,

Under its enchanting spell.


With each wish, a lucky turn,

In its waters, fortunes burn,

By the well, we learn,

Good luck, we earn.

7. The Lucky Penny

In this poem, the finding of a lucky penny symbolizes the small, everyday moments of good luck.

On the ground, a penny shines,

A tiny token of fortunate lines,

Picked up in these simple times,

Luck in its copper confines.


A small spark of luck it assigns,

In mundane moments, it intertwines,

A symbol of luck that aligns,

With life’s unpredictable designs.


In this penny, luck’s essence,

Found in serendipitous presence,

Holding it, we sense,

A small yet powerful essence.

8. The Fortune’s Path

This poem explores the idea of life as a journey filled with lucky encounters and opportunities.

Along the path of life we tread,

Unknown turns, with luck we wed,

In every step, good fortune spread,

Guiding where our feet are led.


With each journey, a lucky thread,

Weaving tales, in joy and dread,

In its course, our spirits fed,

By the luck in each stead.


Paths cross, and fortunes smile,

In every walk, every mile,

Luck joins us, in its own style,

Making life worthwhile.

9. Moonlit Serendipity

The moon here is a symbol of serendipity and the unexpected turns of luck that light up our lives.

Beneath the moon’s gentle glow,

Secrets of luck it bestows,

In its light, fortunes grow,

Casting a serendipitous show.


Silent and bright, it bestows,

A calm where good luck flows,

In its radiance, life glows,

With luck, the heart knows.


Moonlit nights, a lucky charm,

In its peace, no alarm,

In its grace, a soothing balm,

Luck in its palm.

10. The Rainbow’s End

This poem captures the wonder of finding good luck at the end of a rainbow, a timeless symbol of joy and fortune.

At the rainbow’s vibrant end,

Lies a treasure, luck to send,

Colors arch, in blend,

Good fortunes they lend.


A spectrum of hope to extend,

In its arc, our dreams bend,

Towards luck, our paths wend,

In its hues, messages penned.


Under the rainbow, a lucky sight,

In its splendor, hearts alight,

In its colors, bright and right,

Luck’s delight, a wondrous flight.

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