10 Best Short Poems About Feeling Empty

Emptiness can be a profound and complex emotion, often hard to articulate. This collection of 10 short poems delves into the heart of feeling empty, exploring the nuanced shades of loneliness, loss, and longing. Each poem, in its simplicity, speaks to the soul, offering a voice to the unspoken hollows within us.

Short Poems About Feeling Empty

1. Echoes of the Void

This poem captures the silent echoes of emptiness that resonate in a quiet room, symbolizing the loneliness one feels in solitude.

In this quiet room, echoes play,

Loneliness dances, night and day.

Walls whisper secrets, none to hear,

In silence, my emptiness is clear.


Shadows loom, in corners bare,

An empty chair, with no one there.

The clock ticks on, but time stands still,

In this void, nothing seems real.


Echoes fade, as tears fall free,

In emptiness, I’m lost at sea.

A hollow heart, with silent cries,

In this void, my spirit lies.

2. A Desolate Shore

Reflecting the feeling of isolation, this poem likens the soul to a desolate shore, barren and longing for connection.

Like a shore, barren and wide,

My soul feels empty, with the outgoing tide.

Waves of solitude crash and roar,

On this desolate beach, I wander more.


Seashells of memories, scattered around,

In their hollowness, my thoughts are bound.

Footprints fade in the sand, so cold,

On this empty shore, stories untold.


The horizon distant, under the sky’s dome,

On this lonely shore, I make my home.

A heart yearning for a lost embrace,

In emptiness, I find my place.

3. The Hollow Night

This poem portrays the night as a metaphor for emptiness, enveloping the world in its silent, hollow embrace.

Night falls, with a hollow sigh,

Under its cloak, the world and I.

Stars twinkle, but their light feels faint,

In this emptiness, my heart’s complaint.


Moon’s pale glow, a distant friend,

In night’s embrace, my sorrows blend.

The darkness whispers, empty and deep,

In its arms, my fears creep.


Dawn seems far, a forgotten dream,

In this hollow night, I silently scream.

A world asleep, yet I lie awake,

In night’s emptiness, my solace I take.

4. The Empty Room

Exploring the metaphor of an empty room, this poem speaks to the feeling of being left behind, surrounded by the remnants of what once was.

An empty room, walls stripped bare,

Echoes of laughter, no longer there.

Windows gaze out, with a vacant stare,

In this empty space, I find despair.


Dust settles on a lonely bed,

Memories linger, unsaid.

Footsteps gone, a silent dread,

In this room, emptiness is spread.


Walls hold secrets, of joy now ceased,

In their silence, my loneliness increased.

An empty room, a deserted feast,

Here, in emptiness, I am released.

5. The Silent Echo

This poem captures the feeling of internal emptiness, where one’s own thoughts and feelings seem to echo back, unheard and unacknowledged.

In my mind, a silent echo,

Thoughts swirl, in a hollow fiasco.

Words unspoken, feelings unmet,

In this emptiness, I’m beset.


Heartbeats echo in a void so vast,

In its silence, shadows are cast.

Dreams fade, like a waning echo,

In this void, I’m lost, aglow.


Echoes within, a lonely song,

Where once was right, now feels wrong.

In this silence, I stand alone,

Emptiness, my silent throne.

6. The Forgotten Path

Reflecting on the journey of life, this poem illustrates the feeling of walking a path that feels forgotten and empty, symbolic of a lost sense of direction.

Down a path, forgotten and bare,

I walk alone, with a distant stare.

Leaves rustle, with a hollow sound,

On this empty path, I am bound.


Footsteps echo, in a rhythm lost,

In this void, my soul is tossed.

The path winds, but leads nowhere,

In its emptiness, I find despair.


A journey alone, with no end in sight,

On this forgotten path, I seek the light.

A road empty, of dreams once known,

Here, in emptiness, I walk alone.

7. The Unheard Whisper

This poem delves into the feeling of one’s voice and existence feeling unnoticed, like a whisper in the void, unheard and insignificant.

In the void, my whispers fall,

Unheard, unseen, they call.

A voice so faint, in a world so vast,

In this emptiness, I’m typecast.


Words like feathers, drifting in air,

In the void, they disappear.

A silent scream, a muted plea,

In emptiness, I’m never free.


The world spins, but I stand still,

My unheard whispers, a bitter pill.

In the silence, my voice I lend,

In this void, I comprehend.

8. The Lost Melody

Using the metaphor of a lost melody, this poem conveys the emptiness of losing one’s sense of joy and purpose, akin to a song that’s faded away.

A melody once sweet and clear,

Now lost, in emptiness, I fear.

Notes that danced, now silent and still,

In this void, time seems to kill.


The music’s joy, a distant dream,

In its absence, my tears stream.

A song forgotten, a rhythm gone,

In this silence, I am drawn.


The harmony of life, now mute,

In its absence, my heart disputes.

A lost melody, an empty stage,

Here, in silence, I age.

9. The Fading Light

This poem paints the image of a fading light as a symbol of dwindling hope and the creeping sense of emptiness that follows.

A light that fades, in a sky so vast,

In its dimming, my shadows are cast.

Once bright, now a feeble glow,

In this emptiness, I’m laid low.


The dying light, a waning flame,

In its loss, I’m not the same.

Darkness creeps, a silent thief,

In its embrace, I find grief.


A light that flickers, then fades away,

In its absence, my fears sway.

A fading light, a lost delight,

Here, in darkness, I fight.

10. The Echoing Silence

Exploring the paradox of silence that echoes, this poem reflects on the overwhelming presence of emptiness, felt even in the absence of sound.

Silence echoes, loud and clear,

In its void, my thoughts appear.

A deafening hush, a soundless cry,

In this emptiness, I lie.


The echo of nothing, a paradox profound,

In its depth, my heart is bound.

A silent room, a vacant hall,

In this silence, I feel small.


Echoing silence, a relentless guest,

In its presence, I’m oppressed.

A world muted, an empty call,

Here, in silence, I fall.

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