5 Short Poems about Chicken Pox

Welcome to our blog post featuring “5 Short Poems about Chicken Pox.” Through whimsical verses, we explore the itchy, spotty journey of this common childhood ailment. Whether you’re a parent navigating your child’s first outbreak or simply nostalgic, these poems offer a lighthearted take on a scratchy subject.

Poems about Chicken Pox

1. The Spotty Tale

This poem personifies chicken pox as a mischievous sprite that visits children. Though light in tone, it captures the itch and unease that comes with this skin ailment.

The Spotty Sprite came by last night,

Danced on my skin with all his might.

Left behind dots, red and small,

Itchy badges, I’ve got them all.


Mother says, “Don’t scratch, my dear,”

But Spotty Sprite whispers in my ear.

“Go on, give in, it feels so fine,”

This pesky guest just crossed the line.


At last, he leaves, takes spots away,

No more itches, hip, hip, hooray!

Spotty Sprite, you had your fun,

But I’m really glad when you are done.

2. Calamine Dreams

This poem is about the soothing relief that comes with applying calamine lotion. It captures the immediate feeling of alleviation in those itchy moments.

Calamine, pink and cool,

You are my anti-itchy tool.

Smear you on each tiny bump,

Giving each a gentle thump.


Dreams of relief start to unfold,

In layers of pink, my story’s told.

Each dot covered, itch at bay,

Calamine dreams chase woes away.


As I sleep, you’re on my side,

Fighting spots, far and wide.

When I wake, you’re still there,

My pink defender, extraordinaire.

3. Ode to Oats

This poem appreciates the humble oatmeal bath, a popular home remedy for soothing chickenpox. It emphasizes how something so simple can be so comforting.

Into the tub, oats are tossed,

Turning water to milky frost.

Soak my body, ease my itch,

Oats, you make life quite a cinch.


Floating oats, like tiny boats,

Sailing over red-dotted moats.

They kiss my skin, say “All’s okay,”

And very slowly, itch fades away.


Oh, lovely oats, you work so fast,

You make me forget my spotty past.

A bath of oats, simple and grand,

Is my relief, close at hand.

4. The Chicken Pox Jig

This poem is about the restless energy that often comes with being home from school due to chicken pox. It’s a nod to the strange “dance” between being sick and feeling fine.

Stuck at home, what can I do?

Spots on me, from head to shoe.

I feel quite well, just a little itch,

Yet here I am, life’s little glitch.


I dance around in my living room,

Trying to chase away my gloom.

A chicken pox jig, silly and free,

There’s no one watching, just spots and me.


So I’ll dance till I’m back in class,

Wait for this spotty phase to pass.

Until then, in my jig, I’ll twirl,

The chicken-poxed boy, giving life a whirl.

5. Goodbye, Spots

This poem celebrates the end of the chicken pox ordeal. It is about reclaiming one’s skin and the joy that comes with feeling “normal” again.

Goodbye, spots, you have to go,

You’ve been with me, high and low.

It’s time to leave, take your bags,

No more red and itchy flags.


Each spot fading, going away,

Sky is clear, no longer gray.

I feel my skin, smooth and fine,

A spot-free life is so divine.


So here’s a cheer, loud and clear,

Goodbye, spots, you’re not near.

Thanks for the visit, but it’s true,

I’m so glad to finally bid adieu.

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