Play Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are fun phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. This blog post is about idioms with the word “play.” You’ll learn what they mean and see them used in sentences.

Play Idioms

Here are 20 play idioms in English.

1. Play it by ear

Meaning: Decide how to proceed as you go along.
Example: Let’s play it by ear and see what happens.

2. Play second fiddle

Meaning: To be less important than someone else.
Example: She hated having to play second fiddle to her colleague.

3. Play the field

Meaning: Date various people; not commit to one.
Example: He’s not ready to settle down; he’s playing the field.

4. Play for time

Meaning: Delay an event hoping a situation changes.
Example: He was just playing for time to avoid confrontation.

5. Play into someone’s hands

Meaning: Act to someone’s advantage unintentionally.
Example: By arguing, you’re just playing into his hands.

6. Play your cards right

Meaning: Use resources or skills wisely to succeed.
Example: If you play your cards right, you could get promoted.

7. Play with fire

Meaning: Do something risky or dangerous.
Example: You’re playing with fire by cheating on the test.

8. Child’s play

Meaning: Something very easy or simple.
Example: For her, solving math problems is child’s play.

9. Play fast and loose

Meaning: Act recklessly or unethically.
Example: He tends to play fast and loose with the rules.

10. Play the devil’s advocate

Meaning: Argue against an idea for debate.
Example: I will play the devil’s advocate here to stir discussion.

11. Play hardball

Meaning: Be aggressive in pursuing something.
Example: They decided to play hardball in the negotiations.

12. Play to the gallery

Meaning: Perform in a manner to please others.
Example: He’s just playing to the gallery with his jokes.

13. Play hooky

Meaning: Skip school or work without permission.
Example: They decided to play hooky and go to the beach.

14. Play possum

Meaning: Pretend to be dead or asleep.
Example: The child would play possum to avoid chores.

15. Play the ace

Meaning: Use a powerful, secret advantage.
Example: He decided to play the ace he’d kept up his sleeve.

16. Play a blinder

Meaning: Perform extremely well.
Example: She played a blinder in yesterday’s meeting.

17. Play to the crowd

Meaning: Appeal to the tastes of the general public.
Example: His speeches always play to the crowd.

18. Play the race card

Meaning: Exploit racial tensions for personal advantage.
Example: He should not play the race card to win the argument.

19. Play along

Meaning: Pretend to agree or cooperate.
Example: He decided to play along to keep the peace.

20. Play both ends against the middle

Meaning: Manipulate opposing forces for personal benefit.
Example: She knows how to play both ends against the middle.

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Adjectives for Play

Collocations With Play

Play Verb Forms

Play Idioms