Everyone uses special phrases that have a meaning only known to them or their group of friends. These are called personal idioms. In this blog post, we will explore some common personal idioms used in English. We’ll explain what they mean and how you can use them in sentences.
Personal Idioms
Here are 5 idioms with personal in them.
1. Personal space
Meaning: Privacy needed by someone
Example: Please respect my personal space.
2. Personal touch
Meaning: Unique personal involvement or contribution
Example: She adds a personal touch to her gifts.
3. Personal best
Meaning: One’s highest achievement
Example: He ran a personal best at the track meet.
4. Take it personally
Meaning: To interpret a remark as directed at oneself
Example: Don’t take it personally; he’s harsh with everyone.
5. On a personal note
Meaning: Speaking from a personal point of view
Example: On a personal note, I prefer the blue one.
Below are 19 more idioms with the theme of personal.
1. Spill the beans
Meaning: Reveal a secret
Example: He finally spilled the beans about their wedding plans.
2. Break a leg
Meaning: Good luck
Example: Break a leg in your interview today!
3. Hit the books
Meaning: Start studying
Example: I need to hit the books for my exam tomorrow.
4. Let the cat out of the bag
Meaning: Reveal a secret accidentally
Example: She let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.
5. Out of the blue
Meaning: Unexpectedly
Example: He showed up out of the blue.
6. Piece of cake
Meaning: Very easy task
Example: The test was a piece of cake.
7. Cut to the chase
Meaning: Get to the point
Example: Just cut to the chase—what do you need?
8. Hit the sack
Meaning: Go to bed
Example: It’s late; time to hit the sack.
9. Under the weather
Meaning: Feeling ill
Example: I’m staying home today, feeling under the weather.
10. Shoot the breeze
Meaning: Chat casually
Example: We just shot the breeze for a while.
11. Cold feet
Meaning: Nervous just before a big event
Example: He’s getting cold feet about the wedding.
12. Kick the bucket
Meaning: Die
Example: My old car finally kicked the bucket.
13. Chew the fat
Meaning: Talk casually
Example: We sat around chewing the fat until midnight.
14. Ring a bell
Meaning: Sound familiar
Example: Does that name ring a bell?
15. Burn the midnight oil
Meaning: Work late into the night
Example: She was burning the midnight oil to finish the project.
16. Hit the nail on the head
Meaning: Get something exactly right
Example: You hit the nail on the head with that explanation.
17. Through thick and thin
Meaning: In all circumstances
Example: We’ve been friends through thick and thin.
18. When pigs fly
Meaning: Never
Example: He’ll clean his room when pigs fly!
19. Barking up the wrong tree
Meaning: Misguided or mistaken
Example: You’re barking up the wrong tree with your accusations.
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Similes for Personality Traits