Path Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wondered how people use the word “path” in different ways to express ideas? In this post, we’ll explore some common idioms that feature the word “path” or are related to the theme of “path.” These phrases are used to express something special in a fun and interesting way. Let’s learn about these idioms that are easy to understand, even for kids!

Path Idioms

Here are 20 path idioms in English with the meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Cross someone’s path

Meaning: To meet or encounter someone unexpectedly.
Example: I never thought I’d cross paths with a celebrity in my town!

2. Lead down the garden path

Meaning: To deceive or mislead someone.
Example: He led her down the garden path with false promises.

3. Path of least resistance

Meaning: The easiest way to do something.
Example: He always chooses the path of least resistance at work.

4. On the warpath

Meaning: Very angry and ready to argue.
Example: Watch out! The boss is on the warpath today.

5. Beat a path to someone’s door

Meaning: Visit someone frequently.
Example: Fans beat a path to the singer’s door.

6. Path of righteousness

Meaning: A morally correct way to live.
Example: He follows the path of righteousness.

7. Stray from the path

Meaning: To deviate from the correct or familiar way.
Example: He strayed from the path and got lost.

8. A trodden path

Meaning: A way or method tried by many.
Example: He prefers walking the well-trodden path.

9. Forge a path

Meaning: Create a new way or method.
Example: She forged a path in medical research.

10. Wander from the path

Meaning: To lose one’s way.
Example: Don’t wander from the path in the dark woods.

11. Follow in someone’s path

Meaning: To do as someone else did before.
Example: He followed in his father’s path as a doctor.

12. A thorny path

Meaning: A difficult or problematic way.
Example: The negotiations were a thorny path.

13. A slippery path

Meaning: A dangerous or uncertain way.
Example: The icy road is a slippery path.

14. A single path

Meaning: Only one way to do something.
Example: There’s a single path to solve this problem.

15. The beaten path

Meaning: A familiar or overused route.
Example: They like to stay off the beaten path.

16. Light the path

Meaning: To guide or show the way.
Example: Her kindness lit the path for others.

17. A clear path

Meaning: An unobstructed way forward.
Example: The agreement provided a clear path to peace.

18. Carve a path

Meaning: Make a new way through effort.
Example: He carved his own path in the business world.

19. Down the garden path

Meaning: Be led or misled into a trap.
Example: She was led down the garden path by lies.

20. Cross paths with

Meaning: Meet or encounter by chance.
Example: I hope to cross paths with old friends soon.

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Beat Idioms

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Path Idioms