Patient Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our exploration of idioms! Today, we’re focusing on phrases that include the word “patient” or carry a theme of patience. These expressions are used in everyday English to express ideas in a fun and interesting way. Let’s learn how to use them through simple explanations and examples, suitable even for kids!

Patient Idioms

Here are 20 patient idioms in English.

1. Patience of Job

Meaning: Extremely patient
Example: She has the patience of Job with her students.

2. Lose patience

Meaning: To become impatient
Example: He quickly loses patience during delays.

3. Try one’s patience

Meaning: Test someone’s patience
Example: The noisy neighbors are trying my patience.

4. At the end of one’s tether

Meaning: Running out of patience
Example: I’m at the end of my tether with this project.

5. Keep your shirt on

Meaning: Be patient
Example: Keep your shirt on, they’ll call us soon.

6. Hold your horses

Meaning: Wait a moment
Example: Hold your horses, we’re not ready to leave.

7. A watched pot never boils

Meaning: Waiting makes time go slower
Example: Relax, a watched pot never boils.

8. Keep one’s cool

Meaning: Remain calm
Example: He kept his cool during the crisis.

9. Bide one’s time

Meaning: Wait for a good opportunity
Example: She’s biding her time for a promotion.

10. Cool your heels

Meaning: To wait patiently
Example: Just cool your heels, he’ll be here soon.

11. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

Meaning: Don’t plan on uncertain outcomes
Example: He’s counting his chickens before they hatch.

12. Bite the bullet

Meaning: Endure a painful situation
Example: I bit the bullet and went to the dentist.

13. On pins and needles

Meaning: Anxious or nervous
Example: I was on pins and needles waiting for the news.

14. Steady as she goes

Meaning: Stay steady and patient
Example: Steady as she goes, the project will finish.

15. Slow and steady wins the race

Meaning: Consistency leads to success
Example: Slow and steady wins the race in learning.

16. Keep your powder dry

Meaning: Be ready for a future action
Example: Keep your powder dry for the next meeting.

17. Patience is a virtue

Meaning: Being patient is valuable
Example: Remember, patience is a virtue.

18. Hang in there

Meaning: Keep persevering
Example: Hang in there, the results are coming.

19. Roll with the punches

Meaning: Adapt to setbacks
Example: You need to learn to roll with the punches.

20. Let the dust settle

Meaning: Wait for things to calm down
Example: Let the dust settle before you decide.

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