Past Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this post, we’ll explore common English idioms that include the word “past” or relate to the theme of “past.” These expressions are used in everyday language to convey specific ideas in a fun and interesting way. Each idiom is easy to understand, making this guide perfect for anyone, including kids!

Past Idioms

Here are 20 past idioms in English with the meaning and an example sentence for each.

1. A thing of the past

Meaning: No longer exists or happens.

Example: Cassette tapes are a thing of the past.

2. Past one’s prime

Meaning: No longer at the peak of ability.

Example: He is past his prime for heavy lifting.

3. Get past

Meaning: Move beyond something challenging.

Example: It’s hard to get past such a big loss.

4. Living in the past

Meaning: Focused on previous times, not the present.

Example: Stop living in the past and move on!

5. Past caring

Meaning: No longer concerned about something.

Example: She’s past caring what they think.

6. Water under the bridge

Meaning: Past conflicts or events that are forgiven or forgotten.

Example: Let’s make peace; it’s water under the bridge.

7. Don’t dwell on the past

Meaning: Avoid focusing on past events.

Example: Don’t dwell on the past; look to the future.

8. Past one’s bedtime

Meaning: Later than the usual time one goes to bed.

Example: It’s already past your bedtime!

9. Sail past

Meaning: Go beyond someone or something easily.

Example: He sailed past the competition.

10. Glide past

Meaning: Move smoothly and easily past something.

Example: She glided past the awkward questions.

11. Stuck in the past

Meaning: Unable to move beyond past ways or ideas.

Example: He’s stuck in the past with his old methods.

12. Blast from the past

Meaning: Something pleasantly nostalgic.

Example: Seeing that photo was a blast from the past.

13. Put the past behind you

Meaning: Forget and move on from past events.

Example: It’s time to put the past behind you.

14. Spitting image of the past

Meaning: Looks exactly like something from the past.

Example: That car is the spitting image of the past.

15. Echoes of the past

Meaning: Reminders or similarities to past events or times.

Example: This place holds echoes of the past.

16. Brush with the past

Meaning: A brief or indirect encounter with the past.

Example: His story was a brush with the past.

17. Sneak past

Meaning: Move past unnoticed or without attracting attention.

Example: He managed to sneak past the guards.

18. Leap past

Meaning: Go past something or someone quickly.

Example: She leapt past the old record with ease.

19. Race against the past

Meaning: Trying to outdo or overcome past achievements.

Example: He’s racing against his past successes.

20. Fly past

Meaning: Pass quickly.

Example: The days just fly past when you’re having fun.

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Poems about the Past

Perfect Idioms

Past Idioms