Cash Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Cash is used in many phrases in English to express different things. These phrases, called “idioms,” make talking more fun and expressive. This post explores some popular cash idioms, explains what they mean, and shows how to use them in sentences.

Cash Idioms

Here are 20 cash idioms in English with the meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Break the bank

Meaning: To cost a lot of money.

Example: Buying that car will break the bank.

2. Cash cow

Meaning: A reliable source of money.

Example: That shop is a real cash cow.

3. Cash in one’s chips

Meaning: To die or give up.

Example: He finally cashed in his chips.

4. Foot the bill

Meaning: To pay for something.

Example: Dad had to foot the bill.

5. Make a quick buck

Meaning: Earn money quickly.

Example: He’s out to make a quick buck.

6. Pay dirt

Meaning: A profitable discovery.

Example: They hit pay dirt with that idea.

7. Cash on the nail

Meaning: Immediate payment.

Example: He wants cash on the nail.

8. Pinch pennies

Meaning: To save money.

Example: She’s always pinching pennies.

9. Splash the cash

Meaning: Spend a lot freely.

Example: They splashed the cash on vacation.

10. Tighten one’s belt

Meaning: Spend less money.

Example: It’s time to tighten our belts.

11. Bring home the bacon

Meaning: Earn the family income.

Example: He brings home the bacon.

12. Money talks

Meaning: Money can influence.

Example: In business, money talks.

13. Penny for your thoughts

Meaning: Ask someone’s thoughts.

Example: A penny for your thoughts?

14. In the red

Meaning: To be in debt.

Example: Their accounts are in the red.

15. Rolling in dough

Meaning: To have a lot of money.

Example: They are rolling in dough.

16. For a song

Meaning: Very cheaply.

Example: Bought it for a song.

17. Cash-and-carry

Meaning: Pay and take immediately.

Example: It’s a cash-and-carry deal.

18. Put your money where your mouth is

Meaning: Support your words with actions.

Example: Time to put your money where your mouth is.

19. As good as money in the bank

Meaning: Something sure or reliable.

Example: His promise is as good as money in the bank.

20. Save for a rainy day

Meaning: Save money for future needs.

Example: Always save for a rainy day.

cash Idioms