Pair Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our exploration of “pair” idioms! Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They use colorful language to share a specific message. Today, we’ll dive into some fun and useful idioms that include the word “pair” or are about pairs. These idioms can make talking and writing more exciting. Let’s learn together!

Pair Idioms

Here are 20 pair idioms in English.

1. A pair of hands

Meaning: An additional helper
Example: I could use a pair of hands setting the table.

2. Fair pair

Meaning: Two well-matched and suitable partners
Example: Jenna and Mike are a fair pair in tennis.

3. Odd pair

Meaning: Two that don’t seem to match
Example: A cat and a crow make an odd pair.

4. Pair off

Meaning: Form a couple or partnership
Example: Everyone paired off for the dance.

5. Pair up

Meaning: Join someone to form a pair
Example: We paired up for the science project.

6. A safe pair of hands

Meaning: A person who is reliable
Example: Our project’s in a safe pair of hands with her.

7. Go pear-shaped

Meaning: Become messed up or fail
Example: The plan went pear-shaped quickly.

8. A fresh pair of eyes

Meaning: Someone new to review something
Example: Get a fresh pair of eyes on your essay.

9. In pairs

Meaning: In groups of two
Example: The students walked in pairs to the museum.

10. A pair of aces

Meaning: Two excellent or favorable things
Example: With these cards, I’ve got a pair of aces.

11. Like a pair of old shoes

Meaning: Very comfortable and familiar
Example: They fit together like a pair of old shoes.

12. Lose pair

Meaning: Misplace two items meant to be together
Example: I always lose pairs of socks in the laundry.

13. Spare pair

Meaning: An extra set of something
Example: I keep a spare pair of glasses in my desk.

14. A matched pair

Meaning: Two items that are exactly alike
Example: These vases are a beautifully matched pair.

15. A perfect pair

Meaning: Two people or things that go well together
Example: Chocolate and strawberries are a perfect pair.

16. A pair to draw to

Meaning: A basis for hope in a difficult situation
Example: He’s a pair to draw to in a crisis.

17. A lonely pair

Meaning: Two people who are together yet isolated
Example: They sat apart, a lonely pair in the crowd.

18. Pair off with

Meaning: Choose someone as a partner
Example: She paired off with Sally for the quiz.

19. A pair of scales

Meaning: Balance or weigh considerations
Example: Justice is depicted with a pair of scales.

20. A sorry pair

Meaning: Two objects or people in a poor state
Example: After the hike, our shoes were a sorry pair.

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