Opposite of Ancient, Antonyms of Ancient (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective

Meaning/Definition of Ancient: Adjective referring to something that belongs to a remote period in history, or is very old.

What is the Opposite of Ancient?

The Opposite of Ancient is Modern.

Other Opposites of Ancient

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of ancient:

  • Advanced
  • Transitory
  • Contemporary
  • State-of-the-art
  • Clear
  • Nonnative
  • Novelle
  • Interesting
  • In fashion
  • Ground-breaking
  • Sweet-smelling
  • Variational
  • New age
  • Ultramodern
  • Unconventional
  • Ultra-modern
  • Novel
  • Neoteric
  • Of late
  • Short-term
  • Latest
  • Trendy
  • Latter-day
  • Deciduous
  • Different
  • Present-day
  • Fashionable
  • Up to date
  • Groundbreaking
  • Lately
  • Imaginative
  • Du jour
  • Nouvelle
  • Mod
  • The new
  • Hip
  • Learner
  • Evanescent
  • French
  • Culty
  • Crisp
  • Up-to-date
  • Unused
  • Present
  • Late
  • Artful
  • Modern
  • Inventive
  • Migrant
  • Foreign
  • Unenduring
  • Recent
  • Forward-looking
  • Extant
  • Modish
  • Ingenious
  • Modern-day
  • Green
  • Cursory
  • Up-to-the-minute
  • Voguish
  • Memorable
  • Innovational
  • Pioneering
  • Cutting-edge
  • Inexperienced
  • Revolutionary
  • Immediate
  • Unusual
  • Clumsy
  • Future
  • Raw
  • Brief
  • Fleeting
  • Fugacious
  • Hi-tech
  • Present day
  • Considered
  • Creative
  • Lively
  • All the rage
  • Innovatory
  • Progressive
  • Chic
  • Clever
  • Unhackneyed
  • Moderniseduk
  • Exciting
  • Modernizedus
  • Space-age
  • New-fashioned
  • Impermanent
  • Newfangled
  • Existent
  • Short
  • In style
  • Current
  • Fresh
  • Existing
  • Modernist
  • Updated
  • Unprecedented
  • Hot
  • Red-hot
  • Passing
  • In
  • Streamlined
  • New
  • High-tech
  • Ephemeral
  • Temporary
  • Happening
  • Present-time
  • In vogue
  • With it
  • Clean
  • Popular
  • Experimental
  • Expatriate
  • New-fangled
  • Innovative
  • Original
  • Unfamiliar
  • Ongoing
  • Alien
  • Flitting
  • Nonindigenous
  • Young
  • Last
  • Short-lived
  • Transient
  • Stylish
  • Momentary
  • Avant-garde

Example Sentences Using Opposites of Ancient:

  1. The artifact was modern and recently crafted.
  2. The structure was contemporary and didn’t have historical significance.
  3. The document was current and not from a distant era.
  4. Instead of being ancient, the object was recently made.
  5. The ruins were new and lacked historical value.
  6. The tradition was fresh and didn’t have deep roots.
  7. The building was modernized and didn’t reflect an ancient style.
  8. Instead of being ancient, the artifact was brand-new and just created.
  9. The story was recent and not from a long time ago.
  10. The painting was contemporary and didn’t depict an ancient scene.

Explore More Opposite Words:

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