Open Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our guide on idioms that involve the words “open” or “opening.” Idioms are like secret codes or puzzles in language that mean something different from the actual words. Today, we’re going to decode some of these secret messages together!

Open Idioms

Here are 20 open/opening idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Open the door to

Meaning: Allow new opportunities
Example: Winning the award opened the door to many offers.

2. Open one’s eyes

Meaning: Help someone realize the truth
Example: The documentary opened my eyes to environmental issues.

3. Open book

Meaning: Someone who is easy to understand
Example: She’s an open book; nothing to hide.

4. Opening up a can of worms

Meaning: Create a new set of problems
Example: Asking about salaries opened up a can of worms.

5. Open secret

Meaning: A fact that is supposed to be secret but is widely known
Example: Their affair was an open secret in the office.

6. Keep one’s options open

Meaning: Not commit to one thing
Example: I’m keeping my options open for now.

7. Open house

Meaning: An event where visitors are welcome to enter freely
Example: The school is hosting an open house next week.

8. Open-ended

Meaning: Not fixed, indefinite
Example: It was an open-ended discussion.

9. Open arms

Meaning: A warm, welcoming attitude
Example: They welcomed him with open arms.

10. Opening gambit

Meaning: Initial move to gain advantage
Example: His opening gambit was a generous offer.

11. Open to debate

Meaning: A subject to be discussed or contested
Example: That point is still open to debate.

12. Open the floodgates

Meaning: Start something that causes much larger happenings
Example: His resignation opened the floodgates for change.

13. Open-hearted

Meaning: Showing or characterized by generosity
Example: She gave an open-hearted speech.

14. Open one’s mind

Meaning: Be willing to consider new ideas
Example: He opened his mind to new experiences.

15. Open season

Meaning: A time when restrictions are lifted
Example: It’s open season on old policies.

16. Openly

Meaning: In a way that is not hidden
Example: He spoke openly about his doubts.

17. Open and shut case

Meaning: Easily decided or solved matter
Example: The evidence made it an open and shut case.

18. Opening night

Meaning: The first night of a performance
Example: Opening night was a big success.

19. Open air

Meaning: Outside, not in a building
Example: The concert was held in the open air.

20. Open for business

Meaning: Ready and available for customers
Example: The new cafe is open for business.

Open Idioms