30 Common Money Idioms That You Should Know!

In this blog post, we’re going to explore 30 common phrases about money that people use in everyday conversations. These phrases, called idioms, make language fun and colorful. They might not make sense if you take them word by word, but they have special meanings everyone understands. Knowing these will help you speak English more naturally, just like a native speaker. So, if you’re learning English or just want to get better at it, you’re in the right place!

Money Idioms

  • Burning a hole in one’s pocket

Meaning: Spending money quickly

“This cash is burning a hole in my pocket.”

  • Break the bank

Meaning: Cost a lot of money

“That car will break the bank.”

  • Make ends meet

Meaning: Manage to live within means

“It’s hard to make ends meet these days.”

  • Saving for a rainy day

Meaning: Keeping money for the future

“She’s saving for a rainy day.”

  • Tighten one’s belt

Meaning: Spend less money

“We need to tighten our belts this month.”

  • Foot the bill

Meaning: Pay for something

“He footed the bill for dinner.”

  • Bring home the bacon

Meaning: Earn a living

“He brings home the bacon for his family.”

  • Cash cow

Meaning: A profitable item

“That product is our cash cow.”

  • In the red

Meaning: Losing money

“The business is in the red.”

  • In the black

Meaning: Making money

“Finally, we’re in the black!”

  • Penny pincher

Meaning: Someone very frugal

“She’s a real penny pincher.”

  • Money talks

Meaning: Money has influence

“In politics, money talks.”

  • Pay through the nose

Meaning: Pay too much

“We paid through the nose for tickets.”

  • Rake in the dough

Meaning: Make a lot of money

“He’s raking in the dough now.”

  • Put your money where your mouth is

Meaning: Back up words with money

“Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.”

  • A penny for your thoughts

Meaning: Ask someone’s opinion

“A penny for your thoughts on this?”

  • Cost an arm and a leg

Meaning: Very expensive

“This watch cost an arm and a leg.”

  • Nest egg

Meaning: Savings for the future

“They’ve built a nice nest egg.”

  • Throw money down the drain

Meaning: Waste money

“Don’t throw money down the drain.”

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees

Meaning: Money is limited

“Remember, money doesn’t grow on trees.”

  • Penny for your thoughts?

Meaning: Share your thoughts.

“Quiet today, penny for your thoughts?”

  • Bring home the bacon.

Meaning: Earn the income.

“Dad works hard to bring home the bacon.”

  • Foot the bill.

Meaning: Pay the cost.

“Grandpa kindly footed the bill.”

  • In the red.

Meaning: Losing money.

“After shopping, I’m in the red.”

  • Nest egg.

Meaning: Savings for the future.

“Their nest egg is for retirement.”

  • Pay dirt.

Meaning: Profitable discovery.

“His invention hit pay dirt.”

  • Tighten your belt.

Meaning: Spend less.

“Times are tough, tighten your belt.”

  • Money to burn.

Meaning: A lot of money.

“With that job, she has money to burn.”

  • Go Dutch.

Meaning: Share the cost.

“Let’s go Dutch for dinner.”

  • Break the bank.

Meaning: Very expensive.

“This car won’t break the bank.”

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Money Idioms