Medical Abbreviations with M

Medical Abbreviations with M

medical abbreviations with m

M is for medical abbreviations. Do you know what they are? Chances are you’ve heard of some, but there are many more out there than you may be aware of. In this blog post we’ll go over some of the most common medical abbreviations and their meanings. By understanding these abbreviations, you’ll be one step closer to becoming a certified doctor! So let’s get started!

MFM maternal and fetal medicine
MVC motor vehicle crash
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
MMR-D mismatch repair deficiency syndrome
M murmur
MBSS modified barium swallow study
MHA-TP microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum
MM myeloid metaplasia
MRG murmurs, rubs, and gallops
MSSA methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus
MHW Mental Health Worker
MCTD mixed connective tissue disease
MSM men who have sex with men
MDS myelodysplastic syndrome
M/E microscopic examination
MVo2 mixed venous oxygen concentration
MAT multifocal atrial tachycardia
MMI maximum medical improvement
MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MSU midstream urine sample
MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
MPT multi-professional team
MAE moves all extremities
MRSA methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MS-AFP maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
MICA mental illness and chemical abuse
MI myocardial infarction
MLC mixed lymphocyte culture
MTX methotrexate
MCC MotorCycle Collision, Motor Cycle Crash
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MVR mitral valve replacement
Mg magnesium
MCAT Medical College Admission Test
MANOS minilaparoscopy assisted natural orifice surgery
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
ME UK: Myalgic Encephalopathy
MND motor neurone disease
MSH melanocyte-stimulating hormone
MRCP magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
MRA magnetic resonance angiography
MVP mitral valve prolapse
MEN multiple endocrine neoplasia
MSUD maple syrup urine disease
MC metacarpal bone
MCP metacarpophalangeal joint
MMSE mini-mental state examination
MMP medical marijuana patient
MACE Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events
MAC Mycobacterium avium complex
MPD(s) myeloproliferative disease
MSE mental status examination
MPA medroxyprogesterone acetate
MoM multiples of the median
MUSE medicated urethral system for erections
MIF Müllerian inhibitory factor
MDD major depressive disorder
MGN membranous glomerulonephritis
MCV mean corpuscular volume
MIS Minimally Invasive Surgery
MDI metered dose inhaler
MSDU medical surgical day unit
MPGN membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
MCH mean cell hemoglobin
MAS meconium aspiration syndrome
MPO myeloperoxidase
MMFR midmaximal flow rate
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MDCT multidetector row computerized tomography
MAP mean arterial pressure
MN membranous nephropathy
MCD minimal change diseaseharmful can cause cancer
MOM milk of magnesia
MODY maturity onset diabetes of the young
MELD Model for End-Stage Liver Disease
MTBI mild traumatic brain injury
MICU mobile intensive care unit / medical intensive care unit
MT metatarsal bone
mod moderate
MLE midline episiotomy
MMM moist mucus membranes
MVI Multivitamin
met metastasis
MSOF multisystem organ failure
MG myasthenia gravis
MDip Master Diploma
MMT Mixed Mullerian Tumor
MEC Moderate emetic chemotherapy
MAR Medication Administration Record
MVPS mitral valve prolapse syndrome
MMR  mismatch repair
M&M morbidity and mortality
Mono-Di monochorionic-diamniotic twins
MIP Maximum intensity projection
MHMR mental health and mental retardation
MOB mother of baby
MPV mean platelet volume
MTP metatarsalphalangeal
MPD Main pancreatic duct
MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
MS medical student
MSK medullary sponge kidney
UK: Musculoskeletal
MGUS monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
MSO4 morphine sulfate
MC&S microscopy, culture, and sensitivity
MGPE milligrams of phenytoin equivalents
MVA motor vehicle accident
MARSA methicillin- and aminoglycoside-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Mo monocytes
Mono-Mono monochorionic-monoamniotic twins
MDE major depressive episode
MeSH Medical Subject Headings
MCA mucinous cystadenoma
MAL midaxillary line
MR medical representative
MAST Michigan alcohol screening test
MOPP mechlorethamine, procarbazine, and prednisone in combination
MMK Marshall–Marchetti–Kranz procedure
MUGA Multiple gated acquisition scan
MAOI monoamine oxidase inhibitor
MET metabolic equivalent