Words that Rhyme with Light (Light Rhyme Words)

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In today’s useful lesson, we’re going to explore some magical sounds in English that can make learning more fun, especially for beginners. Imagine how twinkling stars at night rhyme with the bright moonlight; that’s the beauty of rhyming words. They sound alike, like two peas in a pod, and can make poetry or songs sound like music to our ears. So, let’s dive into the world of rhymes with the word “light” and discover how it can be a lighthouse guiding us in the sea of English learning.

Words That Rhyme With Light

Here is the list of words that rhyme with Light:

Bite Fight Kite
Might Night Quite
Right Sight Tight
Bright Flight Height
Knight Plight Slight
Spite White Write
Blight Delight Despite
Excite Ignite Invite
Polite Quite Recite
Smite Sprite Unite
Uptight Insight Alight
Overnight Contrite Incite
Reunite Skylight Twilight
Outright Foresight Highlight
Oversight Plight Birthright
Flashlight Limelight Moonlight
Sunlight Starlight  

One Syllable Rhymes of Light

  1. Bite
  2. Fight
  3. Kite
  4. Might
  5. Night
  6. Right
  7. Sight
  8. Tight
  9. Spite
  10. White
  11. Plight
  12. Smite
  13. Blight
  14. Slight
  15. Write
  16. Knight
  17. Flight
  18. Height
  19. Bright
  20. Delight

Two Syllable Rhymes of Light

  1. Alight
  2. Excite
  3. Invite
  4. Polite
  5. Recite
  6. Unite
  7. Insight
  8. Ignite
  9. Despite
  10. Skylight
  11. Twilight
  12. Uptight
  13. Overnight
  14. Contrite
  15. Incite
  16. Reunite
  17. Highlight
  18. Moonlight
  19. Sunlight
  20. Starlight

Three Syllable Rhymes of Light

  1. Overexcite
  2. Recondite
  3. Appetite
  4. Parasite
  5. Poltergeist
  6. Meteorite
  7. Satellite
  8. Aerolite
  9. Acetylite
  10. Anchorite
  11. Anthracite
  12. Antielite
  13. Aphorite
  14. Apatite
  15. Celibate
  16. Coprolite
  17. Dolomite
  18. Dynamite
  19. Exquisite
  20. Hermaphrodite

Light Rhyme Words With Meanings

  1. Bite: A small portion of food or the act of cutting with the teeth.
  2. Fight: A physical or verbal confrontation or struggle.
  3. Kite: A light frame covered with paper or cloth, designed to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string.
  4. Might: Expressing possibility or power.
  5. Night: The period of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
  6. Quite: Completely or to a significant extent.
  7. Right: Correct or morally good; also direction opposite of left.
  8. Sight: The ability to see or something that is seen.
  9. Tight: Fixed or held firmly in place; close-fitting.
  10. Bright: Emitting or reflecting light; intelligent.
  11. Flight: The action or process of flying through the air.
  12. Height: The measurement from base to top or (of a person) tall stature.
  13. Knight: A man awarded a nonhereditary title by a monarch or other political leader for service to the monarch or country, especially in a military capacity.
  14. Plight: A dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
  15. Slight: Small in degree; inconsiderable.
  16. Spite: A desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone.
  17. White: Of the color of milk or fresh snow, due to the reflection of most wavelengths of visible light.
  18. Write: Mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement.
  19. Blight: A plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.
  20. Delight: Great pleasure.
  21. Despite: Without being affected by; in spite of.
  22. Excite: Cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness.
  23. Ignite: Catch fire or cause to catch fire.
  24. Invite: Make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something.
  25. Polite: Showing good manners toward others, as in behavior, speech, etc.
  26. Quite: To the utmost or most absolute extent or degree; absolutely; completely.
  27. Recite: Repeat aloud from memory.
  28. Smite: Strike with a firm blow.
  29. Sprite: A small or elusive supernatural being; an elf or pixie.
  30. Unite: Come or bring together for a common purpose or action.
  31. Uptight: Anxious or angry in a tense and overly controlled way.
  32. Insight: The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of someone or something.
  33. Alight: Descend from a train, bus, or other form of transport.
  34. Overnight: For the duration of a night.
  35. Contrite: Feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.
  36. Incite: Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).
  37. Reunite: Come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity.
  38. Skylight: A window installed in a roof or ceiling.
  39. Twilight: The light from the sky at the end of the day when night is just beginning.
  40. Outright: Completely and without qualification; used to emphasize the completeness of a statement.
  41. Foresight: The ability to predict what will happen or be needed in the future.
  42. Highlight: An outstanding part of an event or period of time.
  43. Oversight: An unintentional failure to notice or do something.
  44. Plight: A situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one.
  45. Birthright: A particular right of possession or privilege one has from birth, especially as an eldest child.
  46. Flashlight: A small portable battery-powered electric lamp.
  47. Limelight: A focus of public attention.
  48. Moonlight: The light of the moon.
  49. Sunlight: Light from the sun.
  50. Starlight: The light emitted by stars.

Words That Rhyme With Light