Lies Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our post about idioms that involve the term “lies” or the theme of deception. These phrases are used in everyday English and have meanings that are not obvious just from the words themselves. We’ve compiled a list that’s easy to understand, so even kids can start to recognize and use these expressions.

Lies Idioms

Here are 20 lies idioms in English.

1. White lie

Meaning: A harmless or trivial lie, usually told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings.
Example: He told a white lie about liking her cooking.

2. Lie through one’s teeth

Meaning: To tell a complete and blatant lie.
Example: He lied through his teeth about his alibi.

3. Living a lie

Meaning: Pretending to live a life that is not genuine.
Example: She was living a lie in her unhappy marriage.

4. Give the lie to

Meaning: To show something is false.
Example: His smile gave the lie to his sadness.

5. Bald-faced lie

Meaning: A very obvious and untruthful statement.
Example: He told a bald-faced lie about his whereabouts.

6. Economical with the truth

Meaning: To leave out important facts; deceptive.
Example: She was economical with the truth about her past.

7. Lie low

Meaning: To keep out of sight; avoid attention.
Example: He decided to lie low until the scandal passed.

8. Lie in wait

Meaning: To wait secretly to surprise or attack someone.
Example: The thief lay in wait in the dark alley.

9. Lie heavy on

Meaning: To weigh down, cause worry or guilt.
Example: The secret lay heavy on his heart.

10. A tissue of lies

Meaning: A complex, woven set of falsehoods.
Example: His excuse was a tissue of lies.

11. Lie at the heart of

Meaning: To be central or crucial to a matter.
Example: Trust lies at the heart of their relationship.

12. Lie in one’s throat

Meaning: To tell a blatant lie.
Example: He lied in his throat during the interrogation.

13. Lie through one’s hat

Meaning: To tell absurd or unbelievable lies.
Example: She was lying through her hat about her age.

14. Lie in state

Meaning: A body displayed before a funeral.
Example: The leader lay in state for three days.

15. Lie doggo

Meaning: To remain unnoticed.
Example: He lay doggo during the office conflict.

16. Live in a fool’s paradise

Meaning: To believe things that are untrue or unrealistic.
Example: He’s living in a fool’s paradise, ignoring the risks.

17. Bear false witness

Meaning: To lie or provide untruthful testimony.
Example: He bore false witness against his colleague.

18. Put a lie to bed

Meaning: To stop a lie from spreading or continuing.
Example: She put the lie to bed by telling the truth.

19. Pack of lies

Meaning: A series of lies or fabricated stories.
Example: His explanation was nothing but a pack of lies.

20. As false as dice

Meaning: Utterly dishonest or deceitful.
Example: His promises are as false as dice.

lie Idioms