Iron Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun guide on idioms that include the word “iron”! Idioms are phrases that mean something different from the words in them. Even kids can understand and enjoy learning these interesting phrases. So, let’s dive in and explore some “iron” idioms that you can start using in your conversations!

Iron Idioms

Here are 20 iron idioms in English.

1. Strike while the iron is hot

  • Meaning: Act quickly while the opportunity is still available.
  • Example: He struck while the iron was hot and got the job.

2. Iron out the wrinkles

  • Meaning: Resolve small problems or imperfections.
  • Example: Let’s iron out the wrinkles in our plan.

3. Have an iron in the fire

  • Meaning: To have an ongoing project or prospect.
  • Example: She always has an iron in the fire.

4. Iron fist in a velvet glove

  • Meaning: Gentle appearance with a strong will.
  • Example: He leads with an iron fist in a velvet glove.

5. Rule with an iron hand

  • Meaning: To control very strictly.
  • Example: He ruled the company with an iron hand.

6. Pump iron

  • Meaning: To lift weights; weightlifting.
  • Example: He goes to pump iron every morning.

7. Iron will

  • Meaning: Exceptional determination and firmness.
  • Example: She succeeded through her iron will.

8. Iron discipline

  • Meaning: Strict self-control or regime.
  • Example: The athlete maintained iron discipline.

9. Iron horse

  • Meaning: Refers to a train.
  • Example: The iron horse changed America.

10. Iron curtain

  • Meaning: Barrier against communication and understanding.
  • Example: He lived behind the Iron Curtain.

11. Iron stomach

  • Meaning: Ability to eat anything without ill effects.
  • Example: He’s got an iron stomach for spicy food.

12. Iron-clad

  • Meaning: Very strong and unable to be changed.
  • Example: They made an iron-clad agreement.

13. Iron lung

  • Meaning: A medical respirator device.
  • Example: Polio patients often needed an iron lung.

14. Iron age

  • Meaning: A prehistoric period dominated by iron usage.
  • Example: Tools from the Iron Age were found here.

15. Iron maiden

  • Meaning: An instrument of medieval torture.
  • Example: The museum displayed an iron maiden.

16. Iron grip

  • Meaning: Strong, unyielding control or hold.
  • Example: He has an iron grip on the finances.

17. Iron heart

  • Meaning: Lacking compassion or mercy.
  • Example: The villain in the story had an iron heart.

18. Iron chef

  • Meaning: Title for a competitive and skilled cook.
  • Example: She competed to become the next Iron Chef.

19. Iron bound

  • Meaning: Surrounded or reinforced with iron.
  • Example: The old chest was iron bound.

20. Cast-iron stomach

  • Meaning: Ability to digest any food.
  • Example: He ate the street food with his cast-iron stomach.

Iron Idioms