List of Idioms for Kids with Meaning and Examples PDF

Learn a List of Idioms for Kids with Meaning and Examples. Download this useful list of idioms for kids in PDF and Infographics.

Idioms Definition for Kids

They are words or phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literally. AnĀ idiom is a group of words that are used as a common expression but have a different meaning of their constituent elements.

How to teach idioms to kids?

Teaching idioms to kids is not child play, you must have to select some special easily, and interesting list of idioms to teach a kid. In this list, we have tried our best to provide you with the best suitable list. Teaching idioms to kids of grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 can be very easy by following a very simple strategy, follow these two steps to make learning idioms easy for your kid.

  1. Bookmark or download this list of 50 idioms.
  2. Download games related to Idioms and help your child play them.

Firstly you have to make this thing interesting for your kid and later he will be learning and playing at the same time.

List of Idioms for Kids

Below is the list of idioms for kids:

idioms for kids pdf

  • Come to blows: to start hitting each other: From hot words, they came to blows.
  • Come to grief: to fail: Their plan came to grief in the end.
  • Come to light: become known: At last, the truth of the matter came to light.
  • Come to terms/make terms: to make an agreement or end an agreement with someone: At last they had to come to terms.
  • Come/get to the point: to stop talking about unimportant details and say what is the most important: We have not yet discussed the real matter, so please get to the point.
  • Create/make/stir up bad blood: cause angry or bitter feelings between people: Do not create bad blood between them.
  • Crocodile tears: to pretend you feel sad0: She was shedding crocodile tears on her enemy’s death,
  • Cross your anger: to put your middle finger over your first finger as a wish for good luck: I am crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted.
  • Cry over spilled milk: to waste time feeling upset about something bad that has happened and cannot be changed: It is no use crying over spilled milk.
  • Cry wolf: to call for help when it is not needed to: If you cry wolf, again and again, none will believe you when you need help.
  • Curry favor with somebody: to try to make someone like you: Big tax cuts are often proposed to curry favor with voters.

Idiom Examples for Kids – Infographic

kids idioms list Idioms for Kids with meaning

  • Cut a sorry/poor figure: do something badly: She cat a soy figure when she could not speak on the stage.
  • Cut somebody to the quick: to upset someone very much by saying something: Do not cut your parents to the quick by saying them old fools.
  • Cut something short: to stop doing something earlier than you planned: His Glittering career was cut short by a heart attack.
  • Cut your coat according to your cloth: to spend only as much money as you can afford: Do not be wasteful
  • Darkhorse: someone with a secret ability or skill: Leon is a dark horse I did not know that he had written a novel.
  • Day after day /week after week/ year after year: a day in day out: The ill-cared old man became weak day after day.
  • Day in, day out: especially of something boring: I have to do the same boring jobs day in, day out.
  • Die a dog’s death: Die a shameful death: No one wants to die a dog’s death.
  • Die in harness: to continue to work until the day of one’s death: I hope that she will die in harness.
  • Diehard: strongly opposing changes and new ideas: A few diehard people are trying to stop the reforms.
  • Do sb a bad turn: to do sth to harm sb: You did her a bad turn by dismissing her.
  • Do sb a good turn: to do sth that helps sb: You did her a good turn by employing her in this office.
  • Do the trick: to do what is needed in order to achieve something big: A bit more hard work can do the trick for the success of our plan.
  • Double-faced: hypocrite: When I realized his double-faced policy, I refused to be his friend anymore.
  • Down and out: without money, a home or a job, and living on the street: Nobody loves you when you are down and out.
  • Draw a blank: to fail to get an answer or a result: All his efforts to marry Soma have drawn a blank
  • Drawn match: a match that results in the beat or win of neither team: A cricket test match usually proves to be a drawn match.
  • Eagle-eyed: able to see or notice the things that are very difficult to see: You cannot hide your feelings from Lina, she is an eagle-eyed woman.
  • Eat humble pie: to admit that you were wrong about something: You will eat humble pie if you do not act upon my plan.
  • Eat one’s cake and have it OR Have one’s: enjoy the benefits from two situations: He loves his wife but still wants to see his girlfriend, it is like to eat his cake and have it.
  • Eat one’s words: to admit that you were wrong about something: I said that he would be late but I had to eat my words when he came on time
  • End up in smoke / go up in smoke: if your plans go up in smoke, you cannot do what you intended to do: When he crashed his car, all his travel plans ended in smoke.
  • Every inch: completely or in every way: He looked every inch a gentleman.
  • Eyewash: something that you do not consider true: Do not talk about such eyewash.
  • Face the music: to accept punishment or criticism for something you have done wrong: I did her wrong but I am ready to face the music.
  • Fair or square deal: fair treatment: Most of the workers do not think that they are getting a square deal.
  • Fair play: behavior that is fair and honest: He has no sense of fair play.
  • Fair sex: women: We should respect the fair sex.
  • Fairweather friends: someone who only wants to be your friend when things are going well for you: Fair weather friends leave you in the lurch.

Common Idioms for Kids – Infographics

Idioms for Kids List of Idioms for Kids

  • Fall flat: to fail to produce the desired effect: All his attempts to marry her fell flat.
  • Fall on hard times: to have problems because you do not have enough money: Gilbert could not pay the fee of his son as he had fallen on hard times.
  • Fall short of: to fail to reach your aim or Tail to reach a particular level: His skill fell short of my expectations.
  • Fall victim to something: become a victim: She fell victim to cancer.
  • Fall/be/become prey to: to be attacked, cheated, or harmed by someone bad: The innocent boy fell prey to smoking.
  • Far and near/Far and wide/Near and far: from a very wide area: Came from near and far to see the fair.
  • Fay one’s trump card: to use something powerful and influential: When the boss did not show him any favor, he played his trump card by telling him that he is the minister’s son.
  • Feather one’s nest: to obtain money by doing something dishonest: Dishonest officers feather their nests.

Must Learn: List of Adjectives for Kids

Must Learn: Opposite Words for Kids

List of Idioms for Kids


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