Idioms about Cricket (With Meaning and Examples)

Cricket, often called the gentleman’s game, has its own language full of interesting expressions. These cricket idioms are not just for players but for anyone who wants to understand the game better. Let’s dive into some of the most colorful cricket idioms used in everyday English.

Cricket Idioms

Here are 20 cricket idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. On a sticky wicket

Meaning: In a difficult situation
Example: He was on a sticky wicket during the interview.

2. Hit for six

Meaning: To be shocked or surprised
Example: I was hit for six by the news.

3. Bail out

Meaning: To rescue from difficulty
Example: He had to bail out his friend.

4. Batting for the other team

Meaning: Supporting a rival group
Example: Is he batting for the other team now?

5. Bowled over

Meaning: To be greatly surprised
Example: She was bowled over by the proposal.

6. Caught out

Meaning: To be exposed or discovered
Example: He was caught out lying.

7. Stumped

Meaning: Confused or perplexed
Example: I was stumped by the riddle.

8. Play with a straight bat

Meaning: To act honestly
Example: Always play with a straight bat in business.

9. Not cricket

Meaning: Unfair or dishonest
Example: That decision was not cricket.

10. A good innings

Meaning: A well-lived life
Example: He had a good innings indeed.

11. Off one’s own bat

Meaning: On one’s own effort
Example: She succeeded off her own bat.

12. On the front foot

Meaning: Taking a proactive stance
Example: He’s on the front foot in negotiations.

13. On the back foot

Meaning: Being defensive
Example: The news put him on the back foot.

14. Over the wicket

Meaning: Direct or straightforward approach
Example: She deals with issues over the wicket.

15. Run out of steam

Meaning: To lose energy or enthusiasm
Example: The project ran out of steam quickly.

16. Slog it out

Meaning: Work hard and persistently
Example: We’ll have to slog it out to finish on time.

17. Spin a yarn

Meaning: To tell a long, fanciful story
Example: He can spin a yarn about anything.

18. Straight drive

Meaning: Direct and straightforward action
Example: He took a straight drive approach to solve it.

19. Throw one’s wicket away

Meaning: To give up easily
Example: He threw his wicket away with that mistake.

20. Underarm tactics

Meaning: Unethical methods
Example: They resorted to underarm tactics to win.

Cricket Idioms