Idioms about Cowboy (With Meaning and Examples)

In this blog post, we’ll explore common English idioms related to cowboys. These phrases are fun and colorful, often used in everyday conversation. Even kids can understand their meanings and learn how to use them in sentences!

Cowboy Idioms

Here are 20 cowboy idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Ride shotgun

Meaning: To sit in the front passenger seat.

Example: I always ride shotgun when we go on road trips.

2. Bite the dust

Meaning: To fall down or fail.

Example: He bit the dust during the race.

3. Kick up your heels

Meaning: To celebrate or relax.

Example: Let’s kick up our heels this weekend!

4. Hold your horses

Meaning: Wait a moment.

Example: Hold your horses, dinner’s not ready yet.

5. Straight from the horse’s mouth

Meaning: Directly from the source.

Example: I got the news straight from the horse’s mouth.

6. Wild goose chase

Meaning: A futile search.

Example: This clue led us on a wild goose chase.

7. Shoot the breeze

Meaning: Chat casually.

Example: They spent the afternoon shooting the breeze.

8. High noon

Meaning: A critical moment.

Example: It’s high noon for the negotiations.

9. Saddle up

Meaning: Get ready to go.

Example: It’s time to saddle up and hit the road.

10. Home on the range

Meaning: A place where one feels at peace.

Example: I feel like I’m home on the range here.

11. Hit the trail

Meaning: To start traveling.

Example: Let’s hit the trail early tomorrow.

12. Rough and tumble

Meaning: Disorderly and chaotic.

Example: It was a rough and tumble soccer match.

13. Paint the town red

Meaning: Go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly.

Example: Tonight we’re going to paint the town red!

14. Barking up the wrong tree

Meaning: Misdirected or mistaken.

Example: He’s barking up the wrong tree with that argument.

15. All hat and no cattle

Meaning: All talk and no substance.

Example: He’s all hat and no cattle, unfortunately.

16. Get the drop on

Meaning: Gain an advantage over someone.

Example: She got the drop on her competitors.

17. Circle the wagons

Meaning: Prepare to defend oneself.

Example: It’s time to circle the wagons at work.

18. Back in the saddle

Meaning: Return to something familiar.

Example: He’s back in the saddle after his vacation.

19. Ride off into the sunset

Meaning: To conclude something positively.

Example: They rode off into the sunset together.

20. Lone ranger

Meaning: Someone who acts alone.

Example: He’s a lone ranger in his field.

Cowboy Idioms