Idioms about Construction (With Meaning and Examples)

Construction is not just about building structures; it’s also built into the way we talk! Many phrases we use every day come from the world of building and fixing things. In this blog, we’ll explore some common construction-related idioms, explain what they mean, and show how to use them in sentences. It’s fun and easy to learn!

Construction Idioms

Here are 20 construction idioms in English with meaning and example sentences for each.

1. Lay the foundation

Meaning: Establish a basis

Example: She laid the foundation for a successful career.

2. On the level

Meaning: Honest, truthful

Example: I trust him; he’s on the level.

3. Hit the nail on the head

Meaning: Be exactly right

Example: You hit the nail on the head with that idea.

4. Cement the relationship

Meaning: Strengthen the connection

Example: They cemented their partnership.

5. Build bridges

Meaning: Improve relationships

Example: He’s building bridges with his team.

6. Constructive criticism

Meaning: Helpful advice

Example: She offered constructive criticism.

7. Elevate the discussion

Meaning: Improve the conversation

Example: Let’s elevate the discussion here.

8. Get the scaffolding up

Meaning: Prepare the basics

Example: Let’s get the scaffolding up first.

9. Knock on wood

Meaning: Hope for good luck

Example: I passed my test, knock on wood.

10. Nailed down

Meaning: Finally decided

Example: The plan is nailed down.

11. Pave the way

Meaning: Make future events easier

Example: This deal will pave the way for new projects.

12. Raise the roof

Meaning: Celebrate loudly

Example: They raised the roof at the party.

13. Smooth out the edges

Meaning: Refine or improve

Example: We need to smooth out the edges.

14. Through the roof

Meaning: At a high level

Example: Prices went through the roof.

15. Tools of the trade

Meaning: Essential skills

Example: He’s got all the tools of the trade.

16. Under construction

Meaning: In the process of being built

Example: The new site is under construction.

17. Up to code

Meaning: Meeting the standard

Example: The wiring is up to code.

18. Weather the storm

Meaning: Endure a difficult period

Example: We weathered the storm together.

19. Wipe the slate clean

Meaning: Start fresh

Example: Let’s wipe the slate clean and begin again.

20. Break new ground

Meaning: Do something innovative

Example: This project breaks new ground in design.

Construction Idioms