Idioms about Clothes (With Meaning and Examples)

Clothes are part of our daily lives, and so are idioms about them! These phrases use clothing to explain feelings, situations, or actions in a fun way. This easy guide will help you understand what these expressions mean and how to use them in sentences.

Clothing Idioms

Here are 20 clothing idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Air one’s dirty laundry

Meaning: Discuss private issues publicly
Example: He aired his dirty laundry at the party.

2. Fit like a glove

Meaning: To fit perfectly
Example: Her new dress fits like a glove.

3. At the drop of a hat

Meaning: Without any hesitation
Example: He left at the drop of a hat.

4. Buckle down

Meaning: Start working seriously
Example: It’s time to buckle down for exams.

5. Dressed to kill

Meaning: Wearing very fashionable clothes
Example: She was dressed to kill at the gala.

6. Tighten one’s belt

Meaning: To spend less money
Example: We need to tighten our belts this month.

7. Pull up your socks

Meaning: Improve your performance
Example: You really need to pull up your socks.

8. Put a sock in it

Meaning: Stop talking
Example: He told her to put a sock in it.

9. Wear many hats

Meaning: To have many roles
Example: She wears many hats at work.

10. On a shoestring

Meaning: With very little money
Example: They started the business on a shoestring.

11. Lose one’s shirt

Meaning: To lose a lot of money
Example: He lost his shirt in the stock market.

12. Roll up one’s sleeves

Meaning: Get ready for hard work
Example: It’s time to roll up our sleeves.

13. Cap it off

Meaning: Finish or complete something
Example: She capped off the meeting with good news.

14. Too big for one’s breeches

Meaning: Behaving too arrogantly
Example: He’s too big for his breeches now.

15. Handle with kid gloves

Meaning: Treat very delicately
Example: Handle the situation with kid gloves.

16. Hat in hand

Meaning: Asking for a favor humbly
Example: He went to his boss hat in hand.

17. Coat of many colors

Meaning: Something with many aspects
Example: His argument was a coat of many colors.

18. All hat and no cattle

Meaning: All talk and no substance
Example: He’s all hat and no cattle.

19. Hang up one’s boots

Meaning: Retire
Example: He finally hung up his boots.

20. Shoe-in

Meaning: A certain winner
Example: She’s a shoe-in for the award.

Idioms about clothes