Grow Idioms (Idioms About Growth, Meaning & Examples)

Idioms are like secret codes that adults use when they talk! When someone uses the word “grow” in a special saying, it usually has a cool hidden meaning. This post will share some fun “grow” sayings, what they mean, and how you can use them in a sentence!

Grow Idioms

Here are 20 grow idioms in English.

1. Grow on Trees

Meaning: To be abundant or easy to get
Example: Money doesn’t grow on trees.

2. Grow a Backbone

Meaning: To become brave
Example: He needs to grow a backbone.

3. Grow Apart

Meaning: To stop being close to someone
Example: Friends sometimes grow apart.

4. Grow Out of

Meaning: To develop from something
Example: She grew out of her shyness.

5. Grow a Pair

Meaning: To act courageously
Example: It’s time to grow a pair.

6. Grow Up

Meaning: To act mature or adult-like
Example: Please grow up and stop whining.

7. Grow Into

Meaning: To develop into or fit into
Example: He will grow into his role.

8. Grow Together

Meaning: To develop alongside someone
Example: We can grow together.

9. Grow a Thick Skin

Meaning: To become less sensitive to criticism
Example: You need to grow a thick skin.

10. Grow Wild

Meaning: To grow uncontrollably
Example: The garden has grown wild.

11. Grow Thin

Meaning: To become less plentiful
Example: Patience is growing thin.

12. Grow Rich

Meaning: To become wealthy
Example: He hopes to grow rich.

13. Grow Fond of

Meaning: To start liking someone or something
Example: I grew fond of that song.

14. Grow Weary

Meaning: To become tired or fed up
Example: She grew weary of waiting.

15. Grow Wiser

Meaning: To become more knowledgeable
Example: One grows wiser with age.

16. Grow Tired of

Meaning: To become bored with something
Example: He grew tired of the same routine.

17. Grow Short

Meaning: Time or patience running out
Example: His temper grew short.

18. Grow Colder

Meaning: To become less friendly
Example: Their relationship grew colder.

19. Grow Stronger

Meaning: To become stronger
Example: Their friendship grew stronger.

20. Grow Lighter

Meaning: To become less burdensome
Example: The load grew lighter.