Get Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wonder how the word “get” pops up in so many phrases? Well, it’s all about idioms! Idioms are fun sayings that don’t mean what the words actually say. They add color to our language and help us express feelings in creative ways. Let’s dive into some popular “get” idioms that you can start using today!

Get Idioms

Here are 20 get idioms in English.

1. Get a grip

Meaning: Control your emotions.

Example: Just get a grip and don’t panic.

2. Get the hang of it

Meaning: Learn how to do something.

Example: You’ll soon get the hang of driving.

3. Get a move on

Meaning: Hurry up.

Example: Get a move on, we’re late!

4. Get on my nerves

Meaning: Annoy someone.

Example: Loud chewing gets on my nerves.

5. Get out of hand

Meaning: Become uncontrolled.

Example: The party got out of hand quickly.

6. Get the picture

Meaning: Understand the situation.

Example: I get the picture—no need to explain.

7. Get a life

Meaning: Start doing interesting things.

Example: Stop watching TV and get a life!

8. Get the ball rolling

Meaning: Start something.

Example: Let’s get the ball rolling on this project.

9. Get your act together

Meaning: Organize yourself; improve your behavior.

Example: You need to get your act together soon.

10. Get down to business

Meaning: Focus on the important task.

Example: Let’s get down to business and finish the work.

11. Get the better of

Meaning: Gain an advantage.

Example: Don’t let fear get the better of you.

12. Get a second wind

Meaning: Gain energy after feeling tired.

Example: I got a second wind after a short break.

13. Get wind of

Meaning: Hear about something.

Example: Did you get wind of the latest news?

14. Get under your skin

Meaning: Annoy or bother someone deeply.

Example: His arrogance really gets under my skin.

15. Get off on the wrong foot

Meaning: Start something poorly.

Example: I got off on the wrong foot at my new job.

16. Get your ducks in a row

Meaning: Organize your affairs.

Example: Get your ducks in a row before you call.

17. Get away with murder

Meaning: Do wrong without punishment.

Example: He always gets away with murder at work.

18. Get the drift

Meaning: Understand the general idea.

Example: After his explanation, I got the drift.

19. Get the lead out

Meaning: Hurry up; move faster.

Example: Come on, get the lead out—we’re late!

20. Get back on track

Meaning: Return to the right path or focus.

Example: Let’s get back on track with the project.

Get Idioms