30 Funny Ways to Say Go To Sleep

Funny Ways to Say Go To Sleep

Below are 30 Funny Ways to Say Go To Sleep:

  1. Time to catch some Z’s!
  2. Hit the hay, it’s showtime for your dreams.
  3. Rest your eyes and let your brain take a vacation.
  4. Off to dreamland, you sleepyhead!
  5. Time to power down the human machine.
  6. Embrace the snuggle party with your pillow.
  7. Let your brain have a slumber party with itself.
  8. Call it a night and become a professional blanket burrito.
  9. Mission: Impossible… to stay awake.
  10. Prepare for liftoff to Sleepsville!
  11. Let the Sandman work his magic.
  12. Your bed is calling, and it has a comfortable seat reserved for you.
  13. Get some shut-eye and let the dream factory do its thing.
  14. It’s bedtime – unleash the snores!
  15. Commence the hibernation protocol.
  16. Lights out, champ!
  17. Dive into the ocean of dreams and let the waves of sleep carry you away.
  18. Lay down your weary head and surrender to the pillow’s embrace.
  19. Time to Netflix and actually chill… in your dreams.
  20. Slip under the covers and let the dreams begin their theatrical performance.
  21. Say goodnight to reality and hello to the dream dimension.
  22. Give your pillow some quality face time.
  23. It’s the hour to deflate your conscious balloon.
  24. Enter the land of nod, where unicorns and pillow fights reign supreme.
  25. Park yourself in Slumberville for the night.
  26. Curl up like a human burrito and drift away.
  27. Time to catch those elusive REM monsters.
  28. Let your eyelids hang up the Closed for the Night sign.
  29. Your bed and sleep are calling shotgun on this night’s adventure.
  30. Lights off, imagination on!


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Funny Ways to Say Go To Sleep