Fighting Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Fighting is not always about physical battles; it’s also a popular theme in everyday sayings. These expressions, known as idioms, help us describe situations in a creative way, using the concept of “fighting” to make our point. Let’s dive into the world of fighting idioms, learning what they mean and seeing how they can be used in sentences.

Fighting Idioms

Here are 20 fighting idioms in English.

1. Fight tooth and nail

Meaning: To struggle fiercely
Example: He fought tooth and nail to keep his job.

2. Fight the good fight

Meaning: Struggle for a noble cause
Example: She fights the good fight for animal rights.

3. Fight fire with fire

Meaning: Respond in kind to an attack
Example: He fought fire with fire in the debate.

4. Fight off

Meaning: Resist an ailment or attack
Example: She fought off a cold this weekend.

5. Fight shy of

Meaning: Avoid dealing with something
Example: He fights shy of discussing his past.

6. Fight your corner

Meaning: Defend your position
Example: She fought her corner in the meeting.

7. Fight your way through

Meaning: Progress with difficulty
Example: He fought his way through the crowd.

8. Fight like cat and dog

Meaning: Quarrel violently
Example: They fight like cat and dog.

9. Fight back

Meaning: Respond to an attack
Example: She fought back tears during the speech.

10. Fight for breath

Meaning: Struggle to breathe
Example: He was fighting for breath after running.

11. Fighting chance

Meaning: A possibility of success
Example: There’s a fighting chance she’ll win.

12. Fight to the finish

Meaning: Continue until a task is done
Example: It was a fight to the finish.

13. Fight dirty

Meaning: Use unfair tactics
Example: He’s known to fight dirty during debates.

14. Fighting words

Meaning: Words that provoke a fight
Example: Those are fighting words where I come from.

15. Fight the clock

Meaning: Work against a deadline
Example: We’re fighting the clock on this project.

16. Fighting fit

Meaning: In very good health
Example: After the surgery, he’s fighting fit.

17. Fight a losing battle

Meaning: Struggle with little chance of winning
Example: She’s fighting a losing battle against aging.

18. Fight it out

Meaning: Resolve by fighting or arguing
Example: Let them fight it out among themselves.

19. Fight the urge

Meaning: Resist the desire to do something
Example: He fought the urge to laugh.

20. Fight on

Meaning: Continue fighting
Example: The team fought on despite the setbacks.

Fighting Idioms