False Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of idioms! Idioms are special phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say. They are used by lots of people to express ideas in a colorful way. Today, we’re diving into idioms that include the word “false” or have something to do with being untrue or deceptive. These phrases will help you sound like a native speaker and add some spice to your conversations!

False Idioms

Here are 20 false idioms in English.

1. False alarm

Meaning: A warning that turns out to be unnecessary
Example: Everyone panicked, but it was a false alarm.

2. False colors

Meaning: Deceptive appearances
Example: He showed false colors in the meeting.

3. False dawn

Meaning: A promising situation that comes to nothing
Example: Their early lead was a false dawn.

4. False note

Meaning: Something that is insincere or inauthentic
Example: His apology struck a false note.

5. False start

Meaning: An unsuccessful attempt to begin something
Example: They made a false start on the project.

6. Play false

Meaning: To act treacherously or deceitfully
Example: She played false with her promises.

7. Bear false witness

Meaning: To lie or give untrue testimony
Example: He was accused of bearing false witness.

8. False heart

Meaning: A dishonest or insincere person
Example: Beware of his false heart.

9. False modesty

Meaning: Pretending to be modest
Example: Her humility was just false modesty.

10. False step

Meaning: A serious mistake
Example: His decision was a false step.

11. Under false pretenses

Meaning: Achieved through deceit
Example: He entered under false pretenses.

12. False bottom

Meaning: A hidden extra layer or compartment
Example: The box had a false bottom.

13. False friend

Meaning: A word that sounds similar in two languages but differs significantly in meaning
Example: “Actual” is a false friend in Spanish.

14. Fly a false flag

Meaning: To deceive by misrepresentation
Example: The spy flew a false flag.

15. False teeth

Meaning: Artificial teeth
Example: Grandpa got new false teeth.

16. False economy

Meaning: An apparent financial saving that actually leads to greater expense
Example: Buying cheap tools is a false economy.

17. False hopes

Meaning: Expectations unlikely to be fulfilled
Example: She gave him false hopes.

18. False position

Meaning: An uncomfortable or unnatural situation
Example: He was put in a false position.

19. Ring false

Meaning: To sound or seem untrue or insincere
Example: His excuses ring false.

20. Live a lie

Meaning: To live in a way that is dishonest
Example: He chose to live a lie rather than face the truth.

False Idioms