Idioms about Company (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are phrases that don’t mean exactly what the words say but have a secret meaning. When we talk about “company,” we don’t just mean a business. These phrases can teach us about friendship, working together, and more. Kids, get ready to learn how people use these special phrases in everyday language!

Company Idioms

Here are 20 company idioms in English with the meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Keep someone company

Meaning: To stay with someone so they aren’t alone
Example: I’ll keep you company while you wait.

2. Two’s company, three’s a crowd

Meaning: A third person isn’t needed or wanted
Example: They wanted a quiet dinner, two’s company, three’s a crowd.

3. In good company

Meaning: With others who are similar or well-respected
Example: You failed the test? You’re in good company.

4. Part company

Meaning: To leave or separate from someone
Example: We parted company at the train station.

5. Company man

Meaning: Loyal to the company
Example: He’s a true company man, always on time.

6. Have company

Meaning: To have guests
Example: We can’t talk now; I have company.

7. Drum up business

Meaning: Try to attract more business
Example: He’s drumming up business at the trade show.

8. Mean business

Meaning: To be serious about what one announces
Example: She means business with her new policy.

9. Monkey business

Meaning: Silly or deceitful behavior
Example: No more monkey business in class!

10. Go into business

Meaning: Start a commercial enterprise
Example: They decided to go into business together.

11. Like nobody’s business

Meaning: With great intensity
Example: He plays the piano like nobody’s business.

12. Out of business

Meaning: No longer trading or operational
Example: That shop is out of business now.

13. Business as usual

Meaning: Normal operations continue
Example: It’s business as usual at the office.

14. Get down to business

Meaning: Start talking about the serious topic
Example: Let’s get down to business now.

15. Do the business

Meaning: To do what is needed or expected
Example: He did the business and secured a win.

16. Open for business

Meaning: Ready to start trading to the public
Example: The new cafe is open for business!

17. Funny business

Meaning: Suspicious or deceitful behavior
Example: I don’t trust him; there’s some funny business going on.

18. Mind your own business

Meaning: Don’t interfere with others
Example: Mind your own business, please.

19. Business end

Meaning: The part of a tool that does the work
Example: Watch the business end of that drill.

20. Business before pleasure

Meaning: Work must be done before fun
Example: Let’s finish this project first, business before pleasure.

Company Idioms