Drive Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our fun exploration of “drive” idioms! Idioms are phrases that mean something different than the words themselves might suggest. They make language colorful and can be quite funny too. Today, we’ll learn about idioms that include the word “drive” or are related to driving. Let’s dive in and discover what they mean and see them used in simple sentences!

Drive Idioms

Here are 20 drive idioms in English.

1. Drive someone up the wall

Meaning: To irritate someone greatly
Example: His loud music is driving me up the wall.

2. Drive a hard bargain

Meaning: To negotiate strictly
Example: She always drives a hard bargain at flea markets.

3. Drive home

Meaning: To emphasize a point strongly
Example: He drove home the importance of safety.

4. Backseat driver

Meaning: A person who gives unwanted advice
Example: Stop being a backseat driver!

5. Drive someone crazy

Meaning: To annoy or frustrate someone
Example: This puzzle is driving me crazy.

6. Drive-by

Meaning: Done quickly in passing
Example: He did a drive-by greeting at the party.

7. Drive the point home

Meaning: To emphasize a point strongly
Example: She really drove the point home in her speech.

8. Test drive

Meaning: To try something before buying
Example: Let’s test drive the car before we decide.

9. Drive for show

Meaning: To do something for appearance’s sake
Example: He’s just driving for show.

10. Drive the conversation

Meaning: To lead the discussion
Example: She drove the conversation at the meeting.

11. Drive into the ground

Meaning: To overuse or exhaust something
Example: Don’t drive the joke into the ground.

12. Drive someone to despair

Meaning: To make someone feel hopeless
Example: His harsh words drove her to despair.

13. Drive up demand

Meaning: To increase desire or need for something
Example: The scarcity drove up the demand.

14. Drive one’s point across

Meaning: To make one’s opinion clear
Example: He drove his point across during the debate.

15. Sunday driver

Meaning: A slow and leisurely driver
Example: Look at that Sunday driver!

16. Drive innovation

Meaning: To push for new ideas
Example: This company drives innovation.

17. Drive away

Meaning: To leave a place in a vehicle
Example: He drove away in a hurry.

18. Drive out

Meaning: To force someone or something to leave
Example: They drove the thieves out.

19. Drive forward

Meaning: To push towards progress
Example: We need to drive forward with these plans.

20. Drive oneself too hard

Meaning: To push oneself beyond reasonable limits
Example: She often drives herself too hard at work.

Drive Idioms