Door Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Doors are not just for entering and exiting rooms—they’re also rich in symbolism in the English language. Let’s explore some common phrases that feature the word “door” and discover what they really mean. These idioms can open up new ways of expressing ideas and are fun to learn at any age!

Door Idioms

Here are 20 door idioms in English.

1. Open doors

Meaning: Create opportunities
Example: This job could open doors for you.

2. Behind closed doors

Meaning: Done in private
Example: They argued behind closed doors.

3. Foot in the door

Meaning: Gain initial entry
Example: An internship gets your foot in the door.

4. Close the door on

Meaning: End considerations
Example: We closed the door on further talks.

5. Out the door

Meaning: Leaving
Example: He was out the door at dawn.

6. Next door

Meaning: Adjacent or very near
Example: She lives next door to me.

7. Door to door

Meaning: Directly from one place to another
Example: We sell products door to door.

8. Revolving door

Meaning: Frequently changing
Example: The firm has a revolving door of staff.

9. Knock on the door

Meaning: Request entry or opportunity
Example: Success knocks on the door of hard workers.

10. Show someone the door

Meaning: Ask to leave
Example: He was shown the door after the error.

11. Doorstep

Meaning: Very close to home
Example: Danger lies right on our doorstep.

12. One door closes, another opens

Meaning: As one opportunity ends, another begins
Example: Don’t worry, one door closes, another opens.

13. Keep the door open

Meaning: Remain open to
Example: Let’s keep the door open for future projects.

14. Slam the door

Meaning: Reject abruptly
Example: She slammed the door on that idea.

15. Ajar

Meaning: Partially open
Example: The door was left ajar overnight.

16. Door prize

Meaning: A prize for attending an event
Example: He won a door prize at the gala.

17. The girl next door

Meaning: Typical, wholesome, or relatable
Example: She’s the girl next door type.

18. Lay at one’s door

Meaning: Hold responsible
Example: The blame was laid at his door.

19. Open the door to

Meaning: Allow or invite something to happen
Example: This opens the door to new ideas.

20. Close the door behind you

Meaning: Leave the past behind
Example: He closed the door behind him and moved on.

Door Idioms