Crown Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

When we talk or write, we often use special phrases called idioms. Idioms help us express ideas in a fun and creative way. This post explores different idioms related to the word “crown.” These are phrases you might hear in stories, movies, or even in everyday conversation. Even kids can understand and use them!

Crown Idioms

Here are 20 crown idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. A feather in one’s cap

Meaning: A great achievement
Example: Winning the science fair was a feather in her cap.

2. Crown jewel

Meaning: Most valuable part
Example: The old painting was the crown jewel of our collection.

3. Heavy lies the crown

Meaning: Leadership comes with burdens
Example: As the president, he learned that heavy lies the crown.

4. Crowned with success

Meaning: To achieve success
Example: Her project was crowned with success.

5. Lay one’s crown down

Meaning: To give up power
Example: The queen decided to lay her crown down.

6. A king without a crown

Meaning: An important person without power
Example: He felt like a king without a crown at the meeting.

7. Crowning achievement

Meaning: Greatest achievement
Example: His novel was his crowning achievement.

8. Crown of thorns

Meaning: A burden or series of troubles
Example: Managing the team became a crown of thorns.

9. King’s ransom

Meaning: A huge amount of money
Example: He paid a king’s ransom for that car.

10. Take the crown

Meaning: To win or be the best
Example: She took the crown in last year’s music contest.

11. Pass the crown

Meaning: To hand over responsibility
Example: He passed the crown to his successor.

12. Under the crown

Meaning: Under the rule or authority
Example: The new laws were made under the crown.

13. Crown up

Meaning: To dress impressively or formally
Example: They really crowned up for the gala.

14. Without crown or country

Meaning: Lacking power or domain
Example: He left the office without crown or country.

15. Crown of the road

Meaning: The raised middle part of a road
Example: The water flowed away from the crown of the road.

16. Crowning glory

Meaning: The most impressive part
Example: The garden was the crowning glory of the house.

17. Crowned head

Meaning: A monarch or royal person
Example: Many crowned heads attended the summit.

18. Put a crown on it

Meaning: To finish or complete something notably
Example: He put a crown on his career with that final movie.

19. Steal someone’s crown

Meaning: To outshine someone
Example: The young athlete stole the champion’s crown.

20. At the crown of the hour

Meaning: At the very last moment
Example: He arrived at the crown of the hour.

Crown Idioms