Case Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our simple guide on idioms! Even if you’re very young or new to English, this post will help you understand some funny phrases called “idioms” that people use all the time. These aren’t just random words; they have special meanings that can make talking and writing more fun!

Case Idioms

Here are 20 case idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. In any case

Meaning: Regardless of the situation
Example: In any case, I’ll be there.

2. In case of

Meaning: If something happens
Example: Call me in case of emergency.

3. Just in case

Meaning: As a precaution
Example: Bring an umbrella, just in case.

4. In the worst case

Meaning: Under the worst conditions
Example: In the worst case, we can cancel.

5. A case in point

Meaning: A relevant example
Example: His honesty is a case in point.

6. Case closed

Meaning: There is nothing more to say
Example: She apologized, case closed.

7. A basket case

Meaning: Someone very nervous
Example: I was a basket case before the test.

8. An open and shut case

Meaning: Easily decided or solved
Example: The evidence made it an open and shut case.

9. Case by case

Meaning: Each situation is different
Example: We handle complaints case by case.

10. In the case that

Meaning: If it happens that
Example: Call me, in the case that you’re late.

11. On a case-by-case basis

Meaning: Deciding one by one
Example: We review applications on a case-by-case basis.

12. A hard case

Meaning: A difficult person
Example: He’s known as a hard case in school.

13. A nut case

Meaning: A crazy person
Example: He acts like a nut case sometimes.

14. A strong case

Meaning: Good reasons for something
Example: She made a strong case for her promotion.

15. A hopeless case

Meaning: No chance of improvement
Example: He’s a hopeless case at cooking.

16. Off case

Meaning: Not working currently
Example: I’m off case this weekend.

17. Make a case

Meaning: Provide reasons for
Example: He can make a case for buying a new car.

18. A clear case

Meaning: Obvious situation
Example: It’s a clear case of cheating.

19. Build a case

Meaning: Develop a set of reasons
Example: She’s trying to build a case for her project.

20. Close the case

Meaning: End the discussion or investigation
Example: They decided to close the case on the issue.

case Idioms