When we speak or write, sometimes we use special phrases called “idioms” to express ideas in a fun way. These phrases don’t mean exactly what the words say. This article explains some interesting idioms that are related to cards, which are used in games. Let’s learn about these card idioms, their meanings, and see them used in sentences.
Card Idioms
Here are 20 card idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.
1. Ace in the hole
Meaning: A hidden advantage or resource
Example: She kept her plans as an ace in the hole.
2. Play your cards right
Meaning: Use resources wisely to succeed
Example: If you play your cards right, you’ll get the job.
3. Hold all the aces
Meaning: To have all the advantages
Example: He holds all the aces in this deal.
4. Lay your cards on the table
Meaning: To be honest about your intentions
Example: I think it’s time to lay our cards on the table.
5. Have a card up your sleeve
Meaning: Have a secret plan
Example: He always has a card up his sleeve.
6. Play the ace
Meaning: Use your best resource
Example: He played the ace to win the argument.
7. Shuffle the deck
Meaning: Change the current situation
Example: It’s time to shuffle the deck at work.
8. Card-carrying member
Meaning: A proud, official member
Example: She’s a card-carrying member of the club.
9. Deal someone in
Meaning: Include someone in an opportunity
Example: Make sure to deal her in this time.
10. Show your hand
Meaning: Reveal your intentions or resources
Example: He showed his hand too early in the negotiations.
11. Play the trump card
Meaning: Use something powerful to gain advantage
Example: She played her trump card during the debate.
12. Cut the cards
Meaning: Make a decisive move
Example: He cut the cards and started a new strategy.
13. Stack the deck
Meaning: Arrange things to favor someone
Example: They stacked the deck against the competition.
14. Not playing with a full deck
Meaning: Not having all needed resources or wits
Example: He’s not playing with a full deck.
15. Follow suit
Meaning: Do as others are doing
Example: I guess we’ll follow suit and sign up.
16. Wild card
Meaning: An unpredictable factor
Example: The weather is the wild card in our plans.
17. Trump up
Meaning: To fabricate or exaggerate something
Example: He trumped up the story to get attention.
18. Beat someone at their own game
Meaning: Defeat someone using their methods
Example: She beat him at his own game.
19. Call someone’s bluff
Meaning: To challenge someone’s deception
Example: It’s time to call his bluff.
20. Up the ante
Meaning: Increase what is at stake or risk
Example: They’ve upped the ante with a new bet.