List of British vs American Vocabulary for Education PDF

List of British vs American Vocabulary for Education PDF. Here most common vocabulary words related to education are listed. British and American use different words for the same things. Here 26 education-related vocabulary words are described that are spoken differently by Americans and British guys.

British and Americans follow different standards in the education sector. Their course structure and the duration of attending school and college are different. Besides this, they use different vocabulary words for the terms that are used in school.  Their time span is different for education. Although both provide quality education. But British people are more focused on their education system.

Let’s know what is the difference between the terms used by Americans and the British related to school, accessories involved in school, and other things relevant to education.

Does the UK or US have a better education?

Both UK and US provide quality education. But the education system is in favor of students in terms that their degree duration being smaller in comparison to the UK. In the UK a student can adopt different subjects according to his choice and it is flexible in opting for subjects. On the other hand, the education system in the US is strict and lengthy.

In the UK a student can complete Ph.D. in 3 years and in the US it took almost 5-7 years.

British Vs American Vocabulary for Education

British American
Headmaster Principal
Packed Lunch Sach, Bag Lunch
College High School High School
Autumn Term Fall Semester
School Dinner Hot Lunch
Primary School Elementary School
Professor Full Professor
Maths Math
Spring Term Spring Semester
A Mark  A grade, Point
Reception Year Pre-Kindergarten
Full Stop Period
Plimsolls Gym Shoes
Rubber Eraser
Module Class
Holiday Vacation
Exam Test
Open Day/ Evening Open House
Zed Zee
(Academic) Staff Faculty
Play, Break Time Recess
Staff Room Teacher’s Lounge
Sixth Form Senior Year
Further Education College Community College
A-Level Advanced Placement (AP)
Articulation Transfer
Coursework Homework
Lecturer Professor
Dissertation Thesis
HND (Higher National Diploma) Associate’s Degree
Fresher Freshman
Graduation Ceremony Commencement
Head Girl/Boy Student Body President
Higher Education Post-Secondary Education
Junior School Middle School
Nursery Preschool
O-Level Ordinary Level
P.E. Kit Gym Clothes
Postgraduate Graduate
Public School Private School
Seminar Discussion Group
Term Semester
Undergraduate College Student
University College
Assessment Evaluation
Boarding School Residential School
Common Room Student Lounge
Dean Provost
Entrance Exam Admission Test
Faculty Advisor Academic Advisor
Headmistress Principal
Independent School Private School
Key Stage Grade Level
Mock Exam Practice Test
NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) First-Year Teacher
Ordinary National Diploma Vocational Degree
Pastoral Care Student Services
Postdoc Postdoctoral Fellow
Pupil Student
Reading List Required Reading
Secondary School High School
Tutorial Office Hours
Vice-Chancellor Chancellor
Work Experience Internship
Year Group Class
Zeteticism Socratic Method
Adult Education Continuing Education
Blended Learning Hybrid Learning
Course Program
Distance Learning Online Learning

British Vs American Education Words – InfographicsBritish vs. American Vocabulary for Education 1 British vs. American Vocabulary for Education 2

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