Bravery Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

In this post, we will explore common phrases in English that use the word “brave.” These phrases, known as idioms, add color and depth to our language, making conversations more interesting.

They are used in everyday speech to convey specific ideas in a figurative way. Below, you’ll find a list of idioms related to bravery, along with their meanings and examples to help you understand how to use them in your own conversations.

Brave Idioms

Here are 20 brave idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Brave the storm

Meaning: Endure through challenging times.
Example: He braved the storm to save his dog.

2. Brave face

Meaning: Pretend to be unafraid.
Example: She put on a brave face during the speech.

3. Brave the elements

Meaning: Endure harsh weather conditions.
Example: They braved the elements on their hike.

4. Brave new world

Meaning: A new and hopeful period.
Example: Technology ushered in a brave new world.

5. Brave it out

Meaning: Endure a difficult situation.
Example: He braved it out despite the pain.

6. Brave the odds

Meaning: Face unlikely chances.
Example: She braved the odds and succeeded.

7. Have the heart of a lion

Meaning: Be very brave.
Example: He has the heart of a lion in battles.

8. Lion-hearted

Meaning: Extremely courageous.
Example: The lion-hearted girl rescued her friend.

9. No guts, no glory

Meaning: Risk is needed for success.
Example: He lives by the rule, no guts, no glory.

10. Steel oneself

Meaning: Prepare for something difficult.
Example: She steeled herself before the interview.

11. Take the bull by the horns

Meaning: Deal with a problem directly.
Example: He took the bull by the horns and confronted his boss.

12. Heart in one’s boots

Meaning: Feel very scared.
Example: His heart was in his boots during the horror film.

13. Bold as brass

Meaning: Very confident and unashamed.
Example: She walked in bold as brass and demanded answers.

14. As brave as a bear

Meaning: Extremely brave.
Example: In the crisis, he was as brave as a bear.

15. In the lion’s den

Meaning: In a dangerous or intimidating situation.
Example: Negotiating with criminals is like being in the lion’s den.

16. Dare the impossible

Meaning: Attempt something very difficult.
Example: They dared the impossible and won.

17. Cross swords

Meaning: Engage in a battle or argument.
Example: They crossed swords over the new policy.

18. Beard the lion in his den

Meaning: Confront someone powerful in their own area.
Example: He bearded the lion in his den to get a fair deal.

19. Face the music

Meaning: Accept the consequences.
Example: After the mistake, he had to face the music.

20. Throw down the gauntlet

Meaning: Challenge someone.
Example: She threw down the gauntlet to her competitors.

Bravery Idioms