Bell Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Bells are often heard ringing at schools or churches, signaling different events. In this blog post, we will explore some common English idioms that use the word “bell.” An idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that’s different from the dictionary definitions of individual words.

Bell Idioms

Here are 20 bell idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Saved by the bell

Meaning: Rescued from a difficult situation at the last moment.
Example: He was saved by the bell in the quiz when the bell rang.

2. Ring a bell

Meaning: Sounds familiar.
Example: Does that name ring a bell to you?

3. Clear as a bell

Meaning: Very clear or easy to understand.
Example: Her explanation was as clear as a bell.

4. Bellwether

Meaning: An indicator or predictor of something.
Example: That stock is the bellwether of the economy.

5. For whom the bell tolls

Meaning: Indicates that everyone’s actions affect others.
Example: For whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

6. To bear the bell

Meaning: To lead or be the first.
Example: He bore the bell in last year’s marathon.

7. To ring the bell

Meaning: To achieve exactly what is needed.
Example: His final pitch really rang the bell.

8. Bell out

Meaning: To help someone out of trouble.
Example: She always bells out her friends.

9. Death knell

Meaning: A sign of the end or failure of something.
Example: That law was the death knell for our business.

10. Give someone a bell

Meaning: To call someone on the telephone.
Example: I’ll give you a bell this weekend.

11. With bells on

Meaning: To arrive eagerly or with enthusiasm.
Example: I’ll be at your party with bells on.

12. Bell the cat

Meaning: To undertake a dangerous action.
Example: Who will bell the cat and tell the boss?

13. To ring false

Meaning: To seem untrue or insincere.
Example: His apology rang false to me.

14. As sound as a bell

Meaning: In very good condition.
Example: This old table is still as sound as a bell.

15. Bellboy

Meaning: A hotel employee assisting guests.
Example: The bellboy took our bags to our room.

16. To toll the bell

Meaning: To cause a feeling of sadness or solemnity.
Example: The news tolled the bell for us all.

17. Alarm bells ring

Meaning: To become aware of a potential problem.
Example: Alarm bells rang when he saw the report.

18. Silver bells

Meaning: Symbolic of joyous occasions.
Example: Silver bells mark the wedding celebrations.

19. Bells and whistles

Meaning: Additional features.
Example: Her new car has all the bells and whistles.

20. Not to know B from a bull’s foot

Meaning: To be very ignorant or unaware.
Example: He doesn’t know B from a bull’s foot about computers.

Bell Idioms