Battle Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Idioms are like secret codes or puzzles in language that express something in a fun and interesting way. This post will help you understand some common phrases related to “battle” that people use in everyday English.

Battle Idioms

Here are 20 battle idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Cross swords

Meaning: To argue or disagree strongly
Example: They often cross swords over money matters.

2. Fight tooth and nail

Meaning: To fight or resist very fiercely
Example: She fought tooth and nail for her rights.

3. Draw first blood

Meaning: To be the first to injure or gain an advantage
Example: He drew first blood in the debate.

4. Lay down arms

Meaning: To stop fighting; to surrender
Example: The rebels finally laid down their arms.

5. Take up the gauntlet

Meaning: To accept a challenge
Example: He took up the gauntlet thrown by the rival.

6. Beat the swords into ploughshares

Meaning: To turn from war to peaceful pursuits
Example: The nations aimed to beat swords into ploughshares.

7. Battle of wits

Meaning: A situation where people compete using intelligence
Example: The game was a real battle of wits.

8. Up in arms

Meaning: Very angry; protesting vehemently
Example: The community was up in arms about the decision.

9. Skirmish with

Meaning: To have a minor fight or dispute
Example: He skirmished with his colleague over the project.

10. Rally the troops

Meaning: Gather people together for support or action
Example: She rallied the troops to finish the task on time.

11. Hold the fort

Meaning: To maintain a position or condition alone
Example: He held the fort until help arrived.

12. Join the fray

Meaning: To join a fight or competition
Example: She finally joined the fray and expressed her opinion.

13. Sword of Damocles

Meaning: A constant threat or danger
Example: The lawsuit was a sword of Damocles over the company.

14. Fight a losing battle

Meaning: To struggle with little chance of success
Example: He was fighting a losing battle with his illness.

15. Armed to the teeth

Meaning: Fully equipped or armed
Example: The guards were armed to the teeth.

16. Burn one’s bridges

Meaning: To destroy one’s path of retreat
Example: He burned his bridges when he quit his job angrily.

17. Close ranks

Meaning: To unite and work together closely
Example: The team closed ranks to finish the project.

18. Call to arms

Meaning: A request to engage in active combat or competition
Example: The leader’s speech was a call to arms.

19. Beat a retreat

Meaning: To withdraw or retreat from a position
Example: They had to beat a retreat when the storm hit.

20. Fortress mentality

Meaning: An attitude of defense or resistance to change
Example: The old management had a fortress mentality.

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