Bathroom Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Welcome to our blog! Today, we’re going to explore some funny and interesting phrases in English that all have something to do with bathrooms. Don’t worry, it’s easy to understand and fun!

Bathroom Idioms

Here are 20 bathroom idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. Flush out

Meaning: Reveal or expose something

Example: We need to flush out the truth.

2. Down the drain

Meaning: Wasted or lost

Example: His efforts went down the drain.

3. Throw in the towel

Meaning: Give up

Example: He threw in the towel on his diet.

4. Sink or swim

Meaning: Fail or succeed alone

Example: It’s sink or swim in this job.

5. Come clean

Meaning: Admit the truth

Example: She finally came clean about it.

6. Wipe the slate clean

Meaning: Start afresh

Example: Let’s wipe the slate clean and begin again.

7. Toilet humor

Meaning: Crude or vulgar humor

Example: He loves toilet humor jokes.

8. Drain one’s resources

Meaning: Use up resources

Example: This project is draining our funds.

9. Roll with it

Meaning: Adapt to a situation

Example: Just roll with it and see what happens.

10. Splash out

Meaning: Spend freely

Example: They splashed out at the fancy restaurant.

11. Go down the toilet

Meaning: Become much worse

Example: His grades went down the toilet.

12. Spill the beans

Meaning: Reveal a secret

Example: Who spilled the beans about the party?

13. Soak up

Meaning: Absorb or take in

Example: Soak up the sun while you can.

14. Hold water

Meaning: Remain valid or sound

Example: His argument doesn’t hold water.

15. Water down

Meaning: Make less forceful

Example: They watered down the regulations.

16. Tap into

Meaning: Utilize or exploit a resource

Example: We need to tap into our savings.

17. Make a splash

Meaning: Create a noticeable effect

Example: She made a splash with her new dress.

18. Pipe down

Meaning: Be quiet

Example: Could you pipe down a bit?

19. Under the weather

Meaning: Feeling ill

Example: I’m feeling under the weather today.

20. Clean up well

Meaning: Look good when dressed up

Example: You really clean up well!

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Bathroom Idioms