Ball Idioms (With Meaning and Examples)

Ever wonder how sports words mix into everyday talk? “Ball” shows up in many phrases we use! Let’s explore some fun “ball” idioms.

Ball Idioms

Here are 20 ball idioms in English with meaning and example sentence for each.

1. On the ball

Meaning: Alert and efficient

Example: She was on the ball and finished early.

2. Ball is in your court

Meaning: It’s your decision or responsibility

Example: Now, the ball is in your court to decide.

3. Have a ball

Meaning: To enjoy yourself

Example: We will have a ball at the party.

4. Drop the ball

Meaning: Make a mistake

Example: He really dropped the ball on that project.

5. Keep the ball rolling

Meaning: Maintain momentum

Example: Let’s keep the ball rolling with the meeting.

6. Start the ball rolling

Meaning: Begin an action

Example: She started the ball rolling with her presentation.

7. Play ball

Meaning: Cooperate or agree

Example: We hope they decide to play ball with us.

8. A whole new ball game

Meaning: A completely new situation

Example: This job is a whole new ball game for him.

9. Take the ball and run with it

Meaning: Continue with a task independently

Example: He took the ball and ran with it on this project.

10. Ballpark figure

Meaning: An estimated number

Example: Can you give a ballpark figure of the costs?

11. Behind the eight ball

Meaning: In a difficult situation

Example: He’s been behind the eight ball since morning.

12. Curveball

Meaning: Something unexpected

Example: That question was a real curveball.

13. Hardball

Meaning: Tough or ruthless tactics

Example: They played hardball to get that deal.

14. Jump the ball

Meaning: Start before the official signal

Example: He jumped the ball and began early.

15. That’s the way the ball bounces

Meaning: That’s how things happen

Example: Well, that’s the way the ball bounces sometimes.

16. Ball’s in your court

Meaning: It’s up to you to make the next move

Example: Well, the ball’s in your court now.

17. Bouncing the ball

Meaning: Keeping things moving

Example: She’s good at bouncing the ball in meetings.

18. Off the ball

Meaning: Not paying attention

Example: He was off the ball during the talk.

19. Right off the bat

Meaning: Immediately, from the start

Example: He knew right off the bat it was a bad idea.

20. Throw a curveball

Meaning: Surprise with something tricky

Example: The new policy really threw a curveball for everyone.

Ball Idioms