Antonyms That Starts with N, Opposites with N

Antonyms That Starts with N, Opposites with N

antonyms with n

Words Antonyms
Numerous Scarce, deficient
Never  Always
Notyet  Already
Nasty  Nice
Night  Day
Nullify Confirm, uphold
Noisy  Quiet
Nonchalant Attentive, considerate
Natural  Artificial
Negative  Affirmative
No  Yes
Now  Then
Nothing  Everything
Near  Distant
Niggardly Generous, profuse
Nimble Sluggish, languid
Nephew  Niece
Nobody  Everybody
Noneof  Al Lot Of
Noon  Midnight
Novice Veteran, ingenious
Negligent Vigilant, careful
North  South
Nice  Awful
Noxious Healing, profitable
Notice  Ignore
Narrow  Broad
Niece  Nephew
New  Ancient
Normal  Strange
Native  Foreigner