A To Z Insects And Bugs NAMES (All Type Bugs And Insects Names)

Are you looking for a list of bugs and insects, from A to Z? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you don’t even know what kind of creepy crawler is lurking around your home?

Whether it’s to identify an insect or just out of plain curiosity, learning about these creatures can be both interesting and informative. Here’s your chance to find the answers!

In this blog post we’ll feature an alphabetical guide to common (and not so common!) bugs and insects so that the next time you come across one, you’ll be well-equipped with knowledge.

A To Z Insects And Bugs Names

Here is the List of Some Most Popular Insects and Bugs Names:

  • A: Ant, Aphid, Assassin bug
  • B: Beetle, Butterfly, Bee, Bed bug
  • C: Caterpillar, Cricket, Cicada, Cockroach
  • D: Dragonfly, Daddy longlegs, Damselfly
  • E: Earwig
  • F: Firefly, Flea, Fly
  • G: Grasshopper, Gnat
  • H: Honeybee, Hornet
  • I: Inchworm, Isopod
  • J: Jewel beetle, June bug
  • K: Katydid
  • L: Ladybug, Lacewing
  • M: Mosquito, Moth, Mantis
  • N: Nymph
  • O: Orb-weaver, Oriental beetle
  • P: Praying mantis, Pillbug
  • Q: Queen bee
  • R: Roach, Rhinoceros beetle
  • S: Spider, Stink bug
  • T: Termite, Tick
  • U: Underwing moth
  • V: Velvet ant
  • W: Wasp, Walking stick
  • X: Xylocopa (Carpenter bee)
  • Y: Yellowjacket
  • Z: Zebra butterfly, Zebra longwing butterfly


Flowers Starting With A to Z

Birds Starting With A to Z

Insect and Bug Starting With A to Z

Insect and Bug Starting With A:

  1. Ant
  2. Aphid
  3. Assassin bug
  4. Armyworm
  5. Ambrosia beetle
  6. Apple maggot
  7. Aedes mosquito
  8. Africanized honey bee
  9. American cockroach
  10. Atlas moth
  11. Almond moth
  12. Australian stick insect
  13. Acorn weevil
  14. Asian longhorned beetle
  15. Antlion
  16. American bumblebee
  17. Azure damselfly
  18. Alderfly
  19. Agave weevil
  20. Ash borer
  21. Alate
  22. Asiatic garden beetle
  23. Australian butterfly
  24. Ant beetle
  25. Angel insect

Insect and Bug Starting With B:

  1. Bed bug
  2. Bee
  3. Beetle
  4. Butterfly
  5. Bumblebee
  6. Blowfly
  7. Boxelder bug
  8. Black fly
  9. Bluebottle fly
  10. Brown marmorated stink bug
  11. Bagworm
  12. Bark beetle
  13. Banana weevil
  14. Bean beetle
  15. Black carpet beetle
  16. Blue morpho butterfly
  17. Blue-green sharpshooter
  18. Broad-headed bug
  19. Bluebottle beetle
  20. Black soldier fly
  21. Bottle fly
  22. Brown lacewing
  23. Bronze orange bug
  24. Blue milkweed beetle
  25. Big-eyed bug

Insect and Bug Starting With C:

  1. Caterpillar
  2. Cockroach
  3. Cricket
  4. Cicada
  5. Centipede
  6. Caddisfly
  7. Chinch bug
  8. Colorado potato beetle
  9. Cutworm
  10. Carpenter bee
  11. Cabbage butterfly
  12. Cucumber beetle
  13. Citrus psyllid
  14. Citrus whitefly
  15. Cockchafer
  16. Chocolate-winged bat
  17. Carolina mantis
  18. Chalk-fronted corporal dragonfly
  19. Cave cricket
  20. Common house spider
  21. Corn earworm
  22. Cactus longhorn beetle
  23. Camel cricket
  24. Cloudless sulfur butterfly
  25. Common blue damselfly

Insect and Bug Starting With D:

  1. Dragonfly
  2. Damselfly
  3. Dung beetle
  4. Daddy longlegs
  5. Deer tick
  6. Desert locust
  7. Darkling beetle
  8. Diamondback moth
  9. Dog tick
  10. Dobsonfly
  11. Drone fly
  12. Digger wasp
  13. Devil’s coach horse beetle
  14. Dark bush cricket
  15. Delphacid planthopper
  16. Dusky lady beetle
  17. Dull firetip butterfly
  18. Dart moth
  19. Diamondback terrapin
  20. Dwarf honey bee
  21. Death’s head hawkmoth
  22. Deathwatch beetle
  23. Dragon-headed katydid
  24. Dog-day cicada
  25. Dark fishing spider

Insect and Bug Starting With E:

  1. Earwig
  2. Eastern tent caterpillar
  3. Emerald ash borer
  4. European hornet
  5. Elm leaf beetle
  6. Eastern lubber grasshopper
  7. Emerald jewel wasp
  8. Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly
  9. Ebony jewelwing damselfly
  10. Eastern dobsonfly
  11. Eight-spotted forester moth
  12. Elm sawfly
  13. Emerald wasp
  14. Ensign wasp
  15. Elephant beetle
  16. European earwig
  17. Eastern cic
  18. Eyed hawk-moth
  19. Eastern honey bee
  20. Eastern tailed-blue butterfly
  21. Erythrina gall wasp
  22. Eastern yellowjacket
  23. European fire ant
  24. Eastern black swallowtail butterfly
  25. European pine sawfly

Insect and Bug Starting With F:

  1. Fly
  2. Flea
  3. Firefly
  4. Fruit fly
  5. Fall armyworm
  6. False chinch bug
  7. Forest tent caterpillar
  8. Fritillary butterfly
  9. Fire ant
  10. Flatid planthopper
  11. Fiery skipper butterfly
  12. Feather-legged bug
  13. Fungus gnat
  14. False blister beetle
  15. Fiery searcher beetle
  16. Filbertworm moth
  17. Fork-tailed bush katydid
  18. Florida carpenter ant
  19. Flower chafer beetle
  20. Four-lined plant bug
  21. Freeloader fly
  22. Froghopper
  23. Fringed myotis bat
  24. Flower longhorn beetle
  25. Fungus weevil

Insect and Bug Starting With G:

  1. Grasshopper
  2. Gnat
  3. Ground beetle
  4. Green lacewing
  5. Giant water bug
  6. Grape leafhopper
  7. Green stink bug
  8. Garden tiger moth
  9. Green darner dragonfly
  10. Grape mealybug
  11. Goldenrod gall fly
  12. Ghost moth
  13. Grape berry moth
  14. Green sweat bee
  15. Grapevine beetle
  16. Giant honey bee
  17. Gypsy moth
  18. Green tiger beetle
  19. Ground spider
  20. Gray hairstreak butterfly
  21. Goldenrod soldier beetle
  22. Glassy-winged sharpshooter
  23. Green oak leaf roller
  24. Green longhorn beetle
  25. Green vegetable bug

Insect and Bug Starting With H:

  1. Housefly
  2. Honey bee
  3. Hornet
  4. Horsefly
  5. Harlequin bug
  6. Hemlock woolly adelgid
  7. Hickory horned devil
  8. Hessian fly
  9. Hoverfly
  10. Hercules beetle
  11. Hackberry emperor butterfly
  12. Holly blue butterfly
  13. House centipede
  14. Horned passalus beetle
  15. Hopper
  16. Honey bee queen
  17. Hairworm
  18. Hummingbird moth
  19. Honeylocust pod gall midge
  20. Hylaeus bee
  21. Harvester ant
  22. Helicopter damselfly
  23. Horse chestnut leaf miner
  24. Heliconius butterfly
  25. Honeysuckle sawfly

Insect and Bug Starting With I:

  1. Inchworm
  2. Iridescent bark beetle
  3. Ichneumon wasp
  4. Indian meal moth
  5. Ivy bee
  6. Island marble butterfly
  7. Isopod
  8. Iris borer moth
  9. Indian red admiral butterfly
  10. Ichneumon fly
  11. Ithomiinae butterfly
  12. Ironclad beetle
  13. Intermediate egret
  14. Imperial moth
  15. Indian mealworm beetle
  16. Ivory-marked beetle
  17. Inch ant
  18. Indian paintbrush beetle
  19. Inflated beetle
  20. Iberian bee-eater
  21. Ischnura damselfly
  22. Indigo bunting
  23. Isopod crustacean
  24. Iodine beetle
  25. Iridescent longhorn beetle

Insects and Bug Starting With J:

  1. Japanese beetle
  2. June beetle
  3. Jumping spider
  4. Jewel beetle
  5. Jerusalem cricket
  6. Jagged ambush bug
  7. Japanese hornet
  8. Jack jumper ant
  9. Jumping bristletail
  10. Jewel wasp
  11. Jaguar carpet beetle
  12. Jadera bug
  13. Japanese giant hornet
  14. Jassid bug
  15. Jerdon’s courser bird
  16. Javan tiger beetle
  17. Jellyfish moth
  18. Johnny jump-up flower beetle
  19. Jamaican fruit fly
  20. Johnson’s underwing moth
  21. Jewel scarab beetle
  22. Janthina janthina snail
  23. Juniper shield bug
  24. Jupiter’s eye butterfly
  25. Japanese palm civet

Insect and Bug Starting With K:

  1. Katydid
  2. Killer bee
  3. Kissing bug
  4. King cricket
  5. Khapra beetle
  6. Keeled shield bug
  7. Kudzu bug
  8. Koa bug
  9. Keelbacked treehopper
  10. Klamathweed beetle
  11. Kelp fly
  12. Kiawe bean seed weevil
  13. Kincaid’s lupine flower moth
  14. Knobbed emperor moth
  15. Keyhole wasp
  16. Korean mantis
  17. Kauai cave wolf spider
  18. Knob-tailed gecko
  19. Karner blue butterfly
  20. Kamehameha butterfly
  21. Knight ant
  22. Kewazinga wasp
  23. Krypton beetle
  24. King longhorn beetle
  25. Kozlov’s ant

Insect and Bug Starting With L:

  1. Ladybug
  2. Louse
  3. Locust
  4. Leafhopper
  5. Lightning bug
  6. Longhorn beetle
  7. Luna moth
  8. Lace bug
  9. Leatherwing beetle
  10. Lady beetle
  11. Lesser maple spanworm moth
  12. Large carpenter bee
  13. Leaf beetle
  14. Long-bodied cellar spider
  15. Lesser house fly
  16. Leaf miner
  17. Long-headed katydid
  18. Lycaenid butterfly
  19. Leaf-footed bug
  20. Leptocoris bug
  21. Long-jawed orb weaver
  22. Lesser stag beetle
  23. Lappet moth
  24. Long-horned bee
  25. Larch budmoth

Insect and Bug Starting With M:

  1. Mosquito
  2. Mantis
  3. Mayfly
  4. Moth
  5. Milkweed bug
  6. Mealybug
  7. Monarch butterfly
  8. Mealworm beetle
  9. Mediterranean fruit fly
  10. Mexican bean beetle
  11. Mud dauber wasp
  12. Mimic octopus
  13. Marmalade hoverfly
  14. Mexican red-knee tarantula
  15. Marsh fly
  16. Masked chafer beetle
  17. Madrone butterfly
  18. Midge
  19. Mediterranean flour moth
  20. Mourning cloak butterfly
  21. Mountain pine beetle
  22. Metallic wood-boring beetle
  23. Macleay’s spectre stick insect
  24. Magpie moth
  25. Mountain katydid

Insect and Bug Starting With N:

  1. Nymph
  2. Nutria rat flea
  3. Net-winged beetle
  4. Neotibicen cicada
  5. Northern pearly eye butterfly
  6. Narrow-winged damselfly
  7. Nineteen-spotted ladybug
  8. Noctuid moth
  9. Northern giant darner dragonfly
  10. Notodontid caterpillar
  11. Nutmeg millipede
  12. New Zealand stick insect
  13. Northern crescent butterfly
  14. Northern water snake
  15. Nicrophorus beetle
  16. Northern mole cricket
  17. Nymphalid butterfly
  18. Northern fowl mite
  19. Nasonia wasp
  20. Northern walkingstick
  21. Nubian bee
  22. Navel orangeworm moth
  23. Northern leopard frog
  24. Nectar bat
  25. Nine-spotted lady beetle

Insect and Bug Starting With O:

  1. Orb-weaver spider
  2. Oak leafroller moth
  3. Onion maggot
  4. Oak processionary moth
  5. Orange oakleaf butterfly
  6. Olive fruit fly
  7. Osage orange gall wasp
  8. Oak lace bug
  9. Oil beetle
  10. Oblique banded leaf roller
  11. Orange sulfur butterfly
  12. Obscure root weevil
  13. Ochlerotatus mosquito
  14. Oleander hawk-moth
  15. Orchard mason bee
  16. Orange assassin bug
  17. Oakworm moth
  18. Orange fruit fly
  19. Orangestriped oakworm
  20. Oriental cockroach
  21. Oak sawfly
  22. Oval beetle
  23. Orange ladybird
  24. Osprey bee fly
  25. Oak timberworm

Insect and Bug Starting With P:

  1. Praying mantis
  2. Potato bug
  3. Pillbug
  4. Pine beetle
  5. Pharaoh ant
  6. Paper wasp
  7. Painted lady butterfly
  8. Pine sawfly
  9. Polyphemus moth
  10. Puss caterpillar
  11. Pine processionary moth
  12. Pea weevil
  13. Pine needle scale
  14. Pigeon tick
  15. Peacock butterfly
  16. Poplar borer
  17. Potato aphid
  18. Pineapple mealybug
  19. Palmetto bug
  20. Plum curculio
  21. Pine warbler
  22. Pine spittlebug
  23. Pondhawk dragonfly
  24. Pine engraver beetle
  25. Puss moth

Insect and Bug Starting With Q:

  1. Queen butterfly
  2. Quaestus beetle
  3. Queensland fruit fly
  4. Quaker moth
  5. Quilted shield bug
  6. Quivering leafhopper
  7. Quinlan tortoise beetle
  8. Queen Alexandra’s birdwing butterfly
  9. Quahog pea crab
  10. Quasimodo beetle
  11. Quill-tailed spinneret weaver
  12. Quirky wave moth
  13. Quoll spider
  14. Quercus silkmoth
  15. Querquedula blue butterfly
  16. Quedius beetle
  17. Quilled green hairstreak butterfly
  18. Quotient fungus gnat
  19. Quick beetle
  20. Quinault fritillary butterfly
  21. Quince borer
  22. Quokka flea
  23. Quire hawk moth
  24. Quilled birdwing butterfly
  25. Quartzback ground beetle

Insect and Bug Starting With R:

  1. Roach
  2. Rat flea
  3. Rose chafer beetle
  4. Red admiral butterfly
  5. Rove beetle
  6. Red velvet ant
  7. Rosy maple moth
  8. Rice weevil
  9. Rocky Mountain locust
  10. Raspberry crown borer
  11. Redbanded leafroller moth
  12. Reduviid bug
  13. Red humped caterpillar
  14. Red-spotted purple butterfly
  15. Rhinoceros beetle
  16. Red-footed cannibalfly
  17. Rose sawfly
  18. Root knot nematode
  19. Rusty tussock moth
  20. Reddish-brown stink bug
  21. Red-backed jumping spider
  22. Royal walnut moth
  23. Red-tailed bumblebee
  24. Red-headed ash borer
  25. Ruby meadowhawk dragonfly

Insect and Bug Starting With S:

  1. Spider
  2. Stink bug
  3. Silverfish
  4. Sawfly
  5. Soldier beetle
  6. Syrphid fly
  7. Spiny lobster
  8. Saddleback caterpillar
  9. Scale insect
  10. Scoliid wasp
  11. Sphinx moth
  12. Stonefly
  13. Spotted lanternfly
  14. Springtail
  15. Striped blister beetle
  16. Sweat bee
  17. Southern green stink bug
  18. Snowberry clearwing moth
  19. Spotted cucumber beetle
  20. Sootywing butterfly
  21. Sand wasp
  22. Scarab beetle
  23. Shield-backed katydid
  24. Spotted tiger beetle
  25. Small blue butterfly

Insect and Bug Starting With T:

  1. Tick
  2. Termite
  3. Tiger beetle
  4. Tent caterpillar
  5. Tsetse fly
  6. Tobacco hornworm
  7. Treehopper
  8. Tortoise beetle
  9. Tarantula hawk wasp
  10. Tachinid fly
  11. Thread-waisted wasp
  12. Tussock moth
  13. Thorn bug
  14. Tarnished plant bug
  15. Two-spotted spider mite
  16. Tiger moth
  17. Tuberworm moth
  18. Tortricid moth
  19. Tree cricket
  20. Treehopper nymph
  21. Tricolor soldier beetle
  22. Tumbling flower beetle
  23. Twig ant
  24. Thrips
  25. Tiger swallowtail butterfly

Insect and Bug Starting With U:

  1. Umbrella wasp
  2. Ulysses butterfly
  3. Unarmored ground cricket
  4. Underwing moth
  5. Unmarked wasp
  6. Unknown beetle
  7. Upupa epops bird
  8. Udo beetle
  9. Urania moth
  10. Ultra green sweat bee
  11. Uinta ground cricket
  12. Umbonia spiny-headed treehopper
  13. Unidentified weevil
  14. Urocerid sawfly
  15. Uniform horned treehopper
  16. Unpainted wood tiger moth
  17. Unicorn beetle
  18. U-shaped beetle
  19. Unicolor owl butterfly
  20. Unique caterpillar
  21. Unusual moth
  22. Ultraviolet beetle
  23. Uropetala carovei stick insect
  24. Uranotaenia mosquito
  25. Uraba lugens moth

Insect and Bug Starting With V:

  1. Velvet ant
  2. Vinegar fly
  3. Variegated fritillary butterfly
  4. Variegated lady beetle
  5. Varied carpet beetle
  6. Violet carpenter bee
  7. Varied darner dragonfly
  8. Violet-tailed sylph butterfly
  9. Virginia creeper sphinx moth
  10. Veined white butterfly
  11. Vestal sphinx moth
  12. Variable checkerspot butterfly
  13. Velvet bean caterpillar
  14. Vagrant darter dragonfly
  15. Viceroy butterfly
  16. Vine gar weevil
  17. Violet-tipped metalmark butterfly
  18. Varied leaf beetle
  19. Venus flower basket sponge
  20. Virginia tiger moth
  21. Violet-winged lancer moth
  22. Variable oakleaf caterpillar
  23. Velvet longhorn beetle
  24. Veined treehopper
  25. Variegated grasshopper

Insect and Bug Starting With W:

  1. Wasp
  2. Worm
  3. Water strider
  4. Walking stick
  5. Western conifer seed bug
  6. Whitefly
  7. Weevil
  8. Wolf spider
  9. Western honey bee
  10. Woolly bear caterpillar
  11. Western tanager butterfly
  12. Wood-boring beetle
  13. Wandering glider dragonfly
  14. Western tussock moth
  15. Willow Beauty moth
  16. White-lined sphinx moth
  17. Whirligig beetle
  18. Western tent caterpillar
  19. Western corn rootworm
  20. White-spotted sawyer beetle
  21. Western flower thrips
  22. Western pine beetle
  23. Water boatman
  24. White marked tussock moth
  25. Western spotted cucumber beetle

Insect and Bug Starting With X:

  1. Xerces blue butterfly
  2. Xylotrechus beetle
  3. Xanthostigma moth
  4. Xysticus spider
  5. Xanthopimpla wasp
  6. Xestia moth
  7. Xiphydriid woodwasp
  8. Xylophanes moth
  9. Xylota hoverfly
  10. Xyloryctid moth
  11. Xylophagid beetle
  12. Xenoglossid bee
  13. Xyletinid beetle
  14. Xenopsylla flea
  15. Xyleborus beetle
  16. Xestoleptura longicorn beetle
  17. Xylophilus beetle
  18. Xenocerid fly
  19. Xylotrechus weevil
  20. Xanthocnemis damselfly
  21. Xylophasia moth
  22. Xuthus swallowtail butterfly
  23. Xantholobus leafhopper
  24. Xenochironomus midge
  25. Xylem feeding beetle

Insect and Bug Starting With Y:

  1. Yellowjacket
  2. Yellow fever mosquito
  3. Yellow woolly bear caterpillar
  4. Yellow-faced bumblebee
  5. Yellow bear caterpillar
  6. Yucca moth
  7. Yellow underwing moth
  8. Yellow dung fly
  9. Yellow sac spider
  10. Yellow-striped armyworm
  11. Yarrow’s spiny crayfish
  12. Yellow-legged hornet
  13. Yellow-spotted millipede
  14. Yellow-headed spruce sawfly
  15. Yellow-billed cuckoo bird
  16. Yellow admiral butterfly
  17. Yellow-banded bumblebee
  18. Yellow-tipped forest snail
  19. Yellow-necked caterpillar
  20. Yellow-bellied bee fly
  21. Yellow-legged clearwing moth
  22. Yellow-shouldered slug moth
  23. Yellow-spotted longicorn beetle
  24. Yellow-collared scape moth
  25. Yellow-blotched sawback turtle

Insect and Bug Starting With Z:

  1. Zebra swallowtail butterfly
  2. Zebra longwing butterfly
  3. Zigzag spider
  4. Zebra spider
  5. Zoraptera insect
  6. Zebra beetle
  7. Zigzag tortoise beetle
  8. Zebra caterpillar
  9. Zootermopsis termite
  10. Zebra hawk-moth
  11. Zestos skipper butterfly
  12. Zebra clubtail dragonfly
  13. Ziczac skipper butterfly
  14. Zabulon skipper butterfly
  15. Zebra-back diving beetle
  16. Zeller’s sphinx moth
  17. Zonal camel cricket
  18. Zonosemata leafhopper
  19. Zebra-tailed lizard
  20. Zygaenid moth
  21. Zebra grasshopper
  22. Zyginidia leafhopper
  23. Zebra swallowtail caterpillar
  24. Zopherus beetle
  25. Zelus assassin bug

All Types of Insects and Bugs Names

Flying Insects Names:

  1. Dragonfly
  2. Moth
  3. Mosquito
  4. Fly
  5. Bee
  6. Wasp
  7. Butterfly
  8. Hornet
  9. Crane Fly
  10. Hoverfly
  11. Tsetse Fly
  12. Fruit Fly
  13. Caddisfly
  14. Mayfly
  15. Horse Fly
  16. Firefly
  17. Lacewing
  18. Silverfish
  19. Stonefly
  20. Whitefly

Lady Bug Names:

  1. Spotted Lady Beetle
  2. Seven-spotted Lady Beetle
  3. Twice-stabbed Lady Beetle
  4. Convergent Lady Beetle
  5. Asian Lady Beetle
  6. Cream-streaked Lady Beetle
  7. Pink Spotted Lady Beetle
  8. C-Marked Lady Beetle
  9. Mealybug Ladybird
  10. Polished Lady Beetle
  11. Black Lady Beetle
  12. Eyed Lady Beetle
  13. Pine Lady Beetle
  14. Two-banded Lady Beetle
  15. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
  16. Small Spotted Lady Beetle
  17. Variable Lady Beetle
  18. Bristly Lady Beetle
  19. Cream-spotted Lady Beetle
  20. Orange Lady Beetle

Home Insects Name:

  1. Ants
  2. Cockroaches
  3. Bed Bugs
  4. Silverfish
  5. Carpet Beetles
  6. Moths
  7. House Flies
  8. Termites
  9. Spiders
  10. Centipedes
  11. Earwigs
  12. Fleas
  13. Crickets
  14. Dust Mites
  15. Gnats
  16. Springtails
  17. Booklice
  18. Beetles
  19. Drain Flies
  20. Fruit Flies

Names For Beetles:

  1. Ground Beetles
  2. Click Beetles
  3. Rove Beetles
  4. Fire Beetles
  5. Tiger Beetles
  6. Leaf Beetles
  7. Bess Beetles
  8. Dung Beetles
  9. Water Scavenger Beetles
  10. Longhorn Beetles
  11. Weevils
  12. Lady Beetles
  13. Darkling Beetles
  14. Whirligig Beetles
  15. Carrion Beetles
  16. Blister Beetles
  17. Bark Beetles
  18. Scarab Beetles
  19. Jewel Beetles
  20. Snout Beetles

Names Of Tiny Bugs:

  1. Dust Mites
  2. Fleas
  3. Booklice
  4. Thrips
  5. Springtails
  6. Clover Mites
  7. Red Spider Mites
  8. Leafhoppers
  9. Chiggers
  10. Scale Insects
  11. Mealybugs
  12. Whiteflies
  13. Aphids
  14. Spider Mites
  15. Fungus Gnats
  16. Root Aphids
  17. Spider Beetles
  18. Fruit Flies
  19. Psocids
  20. Carpet Beetles

Light Insect Name:

  1. Firefly
  2. Lightning Bug
  3. Glow Worm
  4. Lantern Fly
  5. Glowfly
  6. Bioluminescent Beetle
  7. Light Bulb Bug
  8. Electric Light Bug
  9. Luminous Ant
  10. Radiant Moth
  11. Shine Bug
  12. Illuminated Fly
  13. Sparkling Wasp
  14. Twinkle Beetle
  15. Shimmering Bee
  16. Glowing Termite
  17. Flashing Grasshopper
  18. Lustrous Cicada
  19. Bright Weevil
  20. Radiating Butterfly

Harmful Insects Name:

  1. Bed Bugs
  2. Cockroaches
  3. Termites
  4. Mosquitoes
  5. Ticks
  6. Wasps
  7. Hornets
  8. Fire Ants
  9. Spiders
  10. Black Widow
  11. Brown Recluse
  12. Carpenter Ants
  13. Yellow Jackets
  14. Biting Flies
  15. Chiggers
  16. Horse Flies
  17. Deer Flies
  18. Lice
  19. Kissing Bugs
  20. Armyworms

Helpful Insects Name:

  1. Bees
  2. Butterflies
  3. Ladybugs
  4. Praying Mantises
  5. Lacewings
  6. Dragonflies
  7. Damsel Flies
  8. Hoverflies
  9. Parasitic Wasps
  10. Ground Beetles
  11. Spiders
  12. Earthworms
  13. Antlions
  14. Tachinid Flies
  15. Soldier Beetles
  16. Ichneumon Wasps
  17. Aphid Midges
  18. Minute Pirate Bugs
  19. Lady Beetle Larvae
  20. Predatory Mites

Water Insects Name:

  1. Water Striders
  2. Water Boatmen
  3. Mosquito Larvae
  4. Dragonfly Nymphs
  5. Water Scorpions
  6. Water Bugs
  7. Giant Water Bugs
  8. Whirligig Beetles
  9. Backswimmers
  10. Diving Beetles
  11. Mayfly Nymphs
  12. Stonefly Nymphs
  13. Caddisfly Larvae
  14. Hellgrammites
  15. Water Pennies
  16. Water Fleas
  17. Water Mites
  18. Leeches
  19. Freshwater Shrimp
  20. Water Snipe Flies

Social Insects Name:

  1. Ants
  2. Bees
  3. Wasps
  4. Termites
  5. Bumblebees
  6. Hornets
  7. Yellow Jackets
  8. Paper Wasps
  9. Carpenter Ants
  10. Leafcutter Ants
  11. Army Ants
  12. Weaver Ants
  13. Honey Bees
  14. Stingless Bees
  15. Sweat Bees
  16. Mud Daubers
  17. Velvet Ants
  18. Gall Wasps
  19. Parasitic Ants
  20. Social Spiders

Small Insects Name:

  1. Ants
  2. Fruit Flies
  3. Gnats
  4. Aphids
  5. Thrips
  6. Springtails
  7. Scale Insects
  8. Mealybugs
  9. Mites
  10. Whiteflies
  11. Leafhoppers
  12. Fleas
  13. Booklice
  14. Psocids
  15. Beetles
  16. Mosquitoes
  17. Chiggers
  18. Ticks
  19. Moths
  20. Spiders

Funny Bug Names:

  1. Bumbleboogie
  2. Fiddlebug
  3. Fuzzywuzzy
  4. Hairy Harry
  5. Jitterbug
  6. Lady Bugglesworth
  7. Lady MacBug
  8. Lightning Bug McQueen
  9. Mr. Wiggles
  10. Party Bug
  11. Polka-Dot Patty
  12. Sassy Sally
  13. Silly Billy
  14. Slimy Sam
  15. Spotty Dotty
  16. Striped Sammy
  17. The Buginator
  18. The Great Buggini
  19. The Lady Bug Queen
  20. Zippy Zebra Bug

Leaf Insect Name:

  1. Malaysian Leaf Insect
  2. Dead Leaf Mantis
  3. Philippine Leaf Insect
  4. Spiny Leaf Insect
  5. Greater Waxy Treehopper
  6. Pink Winged Stick Insect
  7. Ghost Mantis
  8. Moss Mimic Stick Insect
  9. Thorny Stick Insect
  10. Chinese Stick Insect
  11. Vietnamese Stick Insect
  12. Stick Mantis
  13. Jungle Nymph
  14. Common Garden Stick Insect
  15. Leaf Mantis
  16. Jungle Stick Insect
  17. Twig Praying Mantis
  18. Flatid Leaf Bug
  19. Giant Prickly Stick Insect
  20. Cryptic Mantis

Rice Insect Name:

  1. Rice Stink Bug
  2. Rice Grasshopper
  3. Rice Weevil
  4. Rice Moth
  5. Rice Planthopper
  6. Rice Water Weevil
  7. Rice Bug
  8. Brown Planthopper
  9. Rice Casebearer
  10. Whitebacked Planthopper
  11. Striped Rice Stem Borer
  12. Asiatic Rice Borer
  13. Whorl Maggot
  14. Rice Ear-Cutting Caterpillar
  15. Black Bug
  16. Yellow Stem Borer
  17. Rice Leafroller
  18. Green Leafhopper
  19. Rice Armyworm
  20. Rice Skipper

Wood Insect Name:

  1. Carpenter Ants
  2. Powderpost Beetles
  3. Deathwatch Beetles
  4. Longhorn Beetles
  5. Termites
  6. Wood-Boring Weevils
  7. Carpenter Bees
  8. Bark Beetles
  9. Flat-Headed Borers
  10. Carpenter Worms
  11. Round-Headed Borers
  12. Wood Wasps
  13. Bark Lice
  14. False Powderpost Beetles
  15. Spider Beetles
  16. Wood-Destroying Fungus
  17. Wood Ear Fungus
  18. Ambrosia Beetles
  19. Wood Cockroaches
  20. Wood Ticks

Grass Insects Names:

  1. Grasshoppers
  2. Katydids
  3. Crickets
  4. Mole Crickets
  5. Meadow Grasshoppers
  6. Coneheads
  7. Slant-Faced Grasshoppers
  8. Long-Horned Grasshoppers
  9. Short-Horned Grasshoppers
  10. Pygmy Mole Crickets
  11. Shield-Backed Katydids
  12. Scudder’s Bush Katydid
  13. Sand Grasshoppers
  14. Whirligig Grasshoppers
  15. Northern Green-Striped Grasshopper
  16. Wrinkle-Sliders
  17. Clouded Grasshopper
  18. Toothpick Grasshopper
  19. Yellow-Winged Grasshopper
  20. Differential Grasshopper

Stink Bug Name:

  1. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
  2. Southern Green Stink Bug
  3. Green Stink Bug
  4. Spined Soldier Bug
  5. Harlequin Bug
  6. Red Shouldered Stink Bug
  7. Rough Stink Bug
  8. Dusky Stink Bug
  9. Green Vegetable Bug
  10. Tree Stink Bug
  11. Shield-Backed Bug
  12. Parent Bug
  13. Four-Lined Plant Bug
  14. Elm Seed Bug
  15. Cotton Stainer Bug
  16. Two-Spotted Stink Bug
  17. Western Conifer Seed Bug
  18. African Black Beetle
  19. Stink Beetle
  20. Corizus Hyos

Silk Insect Name:

  1. Silkworm
  2. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
  3. Weaver Ants
  4. Leafcutter Ants
  5. Antlions
  6. Bagworm Moth
  7. Carpenter Ants
  8. Case-Bearing Moth
  9. Clothes Moth
  10. Creepy-Crawly
  11. Giant Silk Moth
  12. Lappet Moth
  13. Tussock Moth
  14. Weaver Ants
  15. Zebra Silk Moth

Green Insect Name:

  1. Green Lacewing
  2. Green Stink Bug
  3. Green Darner Dragonfly
  4. Green Caterpillar
  5. Green Ladybug
  6. Green Tiger Beetle
  7. Green Leafhopper
  8. Green June Beetle
  9. Green Longhorn Beetle
  10. Green Sweat Bee
  11. Green Shield Bug
  12. Green Dock Beetle
  13. Green Flesh Fly
  14. Green Ant
  15. Green Praying Mantis
  16. Green Leaf Bug
  17. Green Scarab Beetle
  18. Green Bottle Fly
  19. Green Bush Cricket
  20. Green Tree Ant

Bed Bug Name:

  1. Common Bed Bug
  2. Tropical Bed Bug
  3. Bat Bugs
  4. Chicken Mites
  5. Swallow Bugs
  6. Fleas
  7. Lice
  8. Ticks
  9. Dust Mites
  10. Spider Beetles
  11. Carpet Beetles
  12. Book Lice
  13. Cockroaches
  14. Scabies Mites
  15. Bird Mites
  16. Springtails
  17. Black Carpet Beetles
  18. Varied Carpet Beetles
  19. Cigarette Beetles
  20. Drugstore Beetles

Yellow Insect Name:

  1. Yellow Jacket
  2. Yellow Hornet
  3. Yellow Butterfly
  4. Yellow Bee
  5. Yellow Ladybug
  6. Yellow Ant
  7. Yellow Wasp
  8. Yellow Dragonfly
  9. Yellow Grasshopper
  10. Yellow Scarab Beetle
  11. Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly
  12. Yellow Bumble Bee
  13. Yellow Aphid
  14. Yellow Cricket
  15. Yellow Syrphid Fly
  16. Yellow Paper Wasp
  17. Yellow Woolly Bear Caterpillar
  18. Yellow Garden Spider
  19. Yellow Mud Dauber
  20. Yellow Spotted Lady Beetle

Soil Insects Name:

  1. Ants
  2. Termites
  3. Earthworms
  4. Grubs
  5. Wireworms
  6. Mole Crickets
  7. Pillbugs
  8. Sowbugs
  9. Springtails
  10. Earwigs
  11. Centipedes
  12. Millipedes
  13. Nematodes
  14. Ground Beetles
  15. Darkling Beetles
  16. Fungus Gnats
  17. Root Maggots
  18. Rove Beetles
  19. Snails
  20. Slugs

Garden Insects Name:

  1. Bees
  2. Ladybugs
  3. Butterflies
  4. Moths
  5. Lacewings
  6. Praying Mantises
  7. Parasitic Wasps
  8. Ground Beetles
  9. Soldier Beetles
  10. Ichneumon Wasps
  11. Tachinid Flies
  12. Minute Pirate Bugs
  13. Aphid Midges
  14. Lady Beetle Larvae
  15. Predatory Mites
  16. Damsel Bugs
  17. Assassin Bugs
  18. Syrphid Flies
  19. Hoverflies
  20. Bumblebees

Hopper Insects Name:

  1. Grasshoppers
  2. Katydids
  3. Crickets
  4. Treehoppers
  5. Planthoppers
  6. Cicadas
  7. Aphids
  8. Leafhoppers
  9. Mealybugs
  10. Spittlebugs
  11. Whiteflies
  12. Lanternflies
  13. Sharpshooter Leafhoppers
  14. Tarnished Plant Bugs
  15. Shield Bugs
  16. Squash Bugs
  17. Stink Bugs
  18. Assassin Bugs
  19. Wheel Bugs
  20. Boxelder Bugs

Biting Insects Name:

  1. Mosquitoes
  2. Ticks
  3. Fleas
  4. Bed Bugs
  5. Horse Flies
  6. Deer Flies
  7. Black Flies
  8. Sand Flies
  9. No-See-Ums
  10. Fire Ants
  11. Yellow Jackets
  12. Hornets
  13. Wasps
  14. Gnats
  15. Chiggers
  16. Kissing Bugs
  17. Stable Flies
  18. Midge Flies
  19. Bot Flies
  20. Lice

Predatory Insects Name:

  1. Praying Mantises
  2. Assassin Bugs
  3. Ladybugs
  4. Lacewings
  5. Damsel Bugs
  6. Ground Beetles
  7. Soldier Beetles
  8. Syrphid Flies
  9. Minute Pirate Bugs
  10. Predatory Mites
  11. Tachinid Flies
  12. Rove Beetles
  13. Ichneumon Wasps
  14. Aphid Midges
  15. Spiders
  16. Parasitic Wasps
  17. Hoverflies
  18. Bumblebees
  19. Antlions
  20. Dragonflies

Pollinator Insects Name:

  1. Bees
  2. Butterflies
  3. Moths
  4. Hummingbirds
  5. Bats
  6. Beetles
  7. Flies
  8. Wasps
  9. Ants
  10. Hoverflies
  11. Mosquitoes
  12. Lacewings
  13. Flower Flies
  14. Bumblebees
  15. Honeybees
  16. Sweat Bees
  17. Mason Bees
  18. Leafcutter Bees
  19. Carpenter Bees
  20. Mining Bees