500+ List Of Noun Words in English and Examples
Have you ever wondered how many different types of nouns there are in the English language? There are quite a few, and it can be useful to know them all. This list will help you get started.
Noun Words in Examples Sentences
- She will take her cat to the doctor.
- He wants to buy a new car.
- The company is hosting a picnic.
- They started playing cricket.
- We are hosting an event.
- A book is on the table.
Different Types of Nouns
- Common noun: cat, car, company, etc.
- Proper noun: She, He, Picnic, etc.
- Concrete noun: doctor, new, host, etc.
- Abstract noun: will, want, company, started, event, book, etc.
- Collective noun: group, team, company, etc.
- Possessive noun: her, his, their, our, etc.
- Compound noun: cricket, picnic, event, book, car, cat, etc.
List Of Noun Words
- Balloon
- Car
- Disease
- Evening
- Gas
- Horse
- Juice
- Lock
- Nail
- Parrot
- Raincoat
- Soccer
- Train
- Yacht
- Apple
- Brother
- Denmark
- Energy
- France
- Helmet
- Jelly
- Lighter
- Monkey
- Oxygen
- Quill
- Scooter
- Tomato
- Window
- Airport
- Belgium
- Crayon
- Egg
- Flower
- Guitar
- Insurance
- Lamp
- Manchester
- Notebook
- Plastic
- Rose
- Telephone
- Vegetable
- Advertisement
- Beard
- China
- Dress
- Fish
- Grass
- Ice
- Kite
- Magazine
- Nigeria
- Pizza
- Rocket
- Sweden
- Van
- Animal
- Branch
- Daughter
- Egypt
- Forest
- Hamburger
- Island
- Leather
- Match
- Oil
- Potato
- Sandwich
- Tent
- Wall
- Ambulance
- Boy
- Crowd
- Eggplant
- Football
- Hair
- Iron
- Lawyer
- Market
- Ocean
- Portugal
- Russia
- Television
- Vulture
- Banana
- Caravan
- Doctor
- Eye
- Girl
- Hospital
- Kangaroo
- London
- Napkin
- Pencil
- Refrigerator
- Spoon
- Truck
- Yak
- Australia
- Candle
- Dinner
- England
- Garden
- Honey
- Jordan
- Lizard
- Motorcycle
- Painting
- Rainbow
- Shoe
- Traffic
- Xylophone
- Battery
- Carpet
- Dog
- Family
- Glass
- House
- King
- Lunch
- Needle
- Piano
- Restaurant
- Stone
- Uganda
- Zebra
- Answer
- Breakfast
- Death
- Elephant
- Fountain
- Helicopter
- Jackal
- Library
- Microphone
- Orange
- Queen
- School
- Thailand
- Whale
- Actor
- Beach
- Cartoon
- Dream
- Finland
- Gold
- Hydrogen
- Kitchen
- Machine
- Nest
- Pillow
- River
- Sugar
- Umbrella
- Zoo
- Afternoon
- Bed
- Church
- Easter
- Flag
- Greece
- Insect
- Knife
- Magician
- Night
- Planet
- Room
- Teacher
- Vase
- Army
- Camera
- Diamond
- Engine
- Furniture
- Holiday
- Jewellery
- Lion
- Morning
- Oyster
- Rain
- Shampoo
- Toothbrush
- Wire